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Feedback from stakeholders
Virtus Interpress transparency initiative was launched a couple of years ago. In this section, we provide (and continuously update) feedback from our stakeholders.
Feedback from the authors:
- Khaled Otman, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, University of Benghazi, Libya: "It was my first experience in publishing in Corporate Law and Governance Review journal. I really appreciate highly organized instructions for publication and high expertise of reviewers. Robust review was helpful to make my manuscript more scholarly and internationally appealing. The comments and recommendations of the reviewers and editors were very constructive. I congratulate the editor and assistant editor of Journal for the editing standards and professionalism. The publication process from submission to final publication is fast. I am very satisfied with the experience of publication".
- Elisabete Vieira, Researcher at GOVCOPP Unit Research, Lecturer in ISCA-UA and DEGEIT, University of Aveiro, Portugal: "It was a pleasure to cooperate with the journal "Corporate Law and Governance Review", through the publication of a paper. The communication with the managing editor of the journal was very fluent, direct, and easy to establish. The reviewing process was done in a reasonable time and the process was fluent. Finally, the reviewer’s report content was very fruitful, with comments and suggestions which, undoubtedly, improved the final quality of the article".
- Raef Gouiaa, Department of Accounting Sciences, University of Québec in Outaouais, Canada: "I want to express my great satisfaction regarding the reviewing process of Corporate Law and Governance Review. The reviewing process was effective because it allows evaluating objectively the paper through a blind review process. It is also based on relevant scientific criteria for assessing the paper and its contribution. The comments received from the reviewers were helpful, relevant and based on a constructive approach. The reviewing process was efficient because it took approximately 4 weeks with a great responsiveness of the editor. This allows faster publication of relevant articles on current business research topics. Overall, I enjoyed my publication experience with Corporate Law and Governance Review".
- Hugh Grove, School of Accountancy, University of Denver, the USA: "The journal of Corporate Law & Governance Review always provides excellent, positive, and prompt reviewer feedback to the papers that my co-authors and I have submitted in 2020 and previous years. The cooperation with Virtus Interpress is consistently excellent as well".
- Inês Lisboa, Researcher at Centre of Applied Research in Management and Economics (CARME), Polytechnic of Leiria, School of Technology and Management, Portugal: "My cooperation with Virtus Interpress is not new, and in the year of 2020, I had the pleasure to publish in the journal of Corporate Law & Governance Review. The communication with the editor was easy and fluent, the reviewing process was prompt and the reviewer’s comments were constructive and helpful to improve the quality of the final paper. I recommend the journal for future publications".
- Tracy Xu, Reiman School of Finance, University of Denver, Denver, the USA: "Our publication experience with Virtus Interpress has been exceptional and rewarding. The review process was well organized, fast and fruitful. Reviewers and editors provided constructive and valuable comments to improve the quality and contribution of paper. We are impressed by the dedication and professionalism of the editorial team to publish impactful research, advance the research paradigm, and build connections across the international research community".
- Abdelkader Derbali, Department of Finance and Accounting, Higher Institute of Informatics and Management of Kairouan, Kairouan University, Tunisia; Department of Administrative and Financial Sciences and Techniques, Community College, Taibah University, Saudi Arabia: "It is my pleasure to collaborate with the journal "Corporate Law and Governance Review" through the publication of my article. The cooperation and the communication with the managing editor of the journal was very articulate, direct, and easy to determine. The reviewing process was accomplished in a sufficient period and the procedure was articulate. Finally, the reviewer’s report subject was very successful, with remarks and suggestions which, certainly, increased the final quality of our paper".
- Tim Herberger, Chair of Entrepreneurship, Finance and Digitalization, Andrássy University, Budapest, Hungary: "We were very satisfied with the whole submission, review and publication process. We received many helpful comments during the review process, which we have taken into account in the revision of our paper and have significantly improved our paper. The time from initial submission to publication was also comparatively short, despite the intensive review process. The support during the whole process by the editorial team was excellent".
- Işik Özer, Faculty of Law, Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey: "I would say I was very lucky to start cooperating with the journal Corporate Law & Governance Review because the whole process was very professional and supportive. The comments of the reviewers were very illuminating for me just as the editorial comments were prompt and useful. I was very happy with the timing of the publication which was true to the promise of the editors. Also I must say it encouraged me greatly to open up new channels to communicate with academicians in my field in abroad. I believe this journal sets up a bridge between the academicians studying in the same field".
- Shu Li, Department of Law, University of Brescia, Italy: "This is the first time I published a paper in the Journal of Corporate Law & Governance Review. The staff is very serious and meticulous. I am very grateful for this precious experience, and sincerely wish the Journal of Corporate Law & Governance Review a prosperous and promising future".
- Yalid, Jambi University, Jambi City, Indonesia: "This is the first time we have submitted an article to the journal Corporate Law & Governance Review. We really appreciate the highly organized instructions for publication and the high expertise of the reviewers, making it an interesting scientific work at an international level. We congratulate and thank the editors and assistant journal editor for editing standards and professionalism as well as fast response and good service. We are very satisfied with the experience of publishing in this journal".
- Iswandi, Jambi University, Jambi City, Indonesia: "I feel very proud to be able to contribute my thoughts through the journal Virtus Interpress. I know quite a lot that Virtus Interpress is a journal that prioritizes accuracy and prioritizes quality. Hopefully later I can contribute again through articles that I will improve the quality. I hope Virtus Interpress continues to advance and remains the best".
- Karen Hogan, Department of Finance, Haub School of Business, St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, the USA: “Working with the Virtus Interpress and specifically the journal of Corporate Law & Governance Review has been outstanding. The reviewer comments, both editorial and blind reviewer, were very helpful in pointing us in the direction that would make the paper a richer experience for the reader and also a bigger contribution to the literature. The review time was very fast and reviewer comments were very helpful in improving the quality of the paper. The entire team is extremely professional and I can’t say enough about my positive experience with them”.