New Editorial Board members: Journal of Governance and Regulation
We are glad to present new editorial board members who will add their expertise to the review process and assuring that our journals correspond to the high standards of the academic publishing.
New Editorial Board members for the Journal of Governance and Regulation are presented below:
Antoine Hermens, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Professor Antoine Hermens’ career at UTS demonstrates his commitment to innovation, focus on high quality education and outcomes. Antoine has significant senior management experience both in academe and industry and is a key member of various industry and academic networks. He has extensive experience in course development, teaching and managing quality assurance and as visiting professor presents courses and regularly interacts with academics and administrators in New York, Ottawa, Paris, Toulouse, Reims, and Hong Kong from leading AACSB accredited business schools. Antoine is committed to best practice in business education and has an extensive understanding of international policy. In 2010 Antoine was awarded a UTS Teaching and Leaning citation. Antoine regularly consults and advises to international and national organisations on turnaround strategies, restructuring, strategy planning, alliance formation, mergers and acquisitions and demergers. His research interests belong to such spheres: strategic alliances, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, business strategy, small business and entrepreneurship.
Milind Sathye, University of Canberra, Australia
The focus Prof. Sathye’s research is on issues related to efficiency and productivity in financial institutions, regulation / policy issues in the financial sector, technology in banks, micro finance and anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing. His interests are is in use of both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The focus is on the Australasian region. He has published in top ranking journals. In recent years He has won competitive research grants totaling in value exceeding A$100,000. His research has led to me being invited by Australian and overseas media quite often to comment on banking and finance issues and I regularly appear on TV channels in Australia. He has also worked as an expert witness in court cases on banking and finance related issues in Australia. He was consulted by the Senate Economics Committee of the Australian Parliament House on several occasions on matters relating to banking and finance issues.
Andrew Campbell, School of Law, University of Leeds, the UK
Prof. Campbell’s specialist area for both teaching and research is banking and finance law. This has been a very exciting area of law recently as a result of the global financial crisis. It is becoming very popular area of study at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. His research interests are in the area of banking and finance, with special emphasis on the following areas: bank insolvency, bank regulation, protecting bank depositors, Islamic banking money laundering.
Marina Nehme, Faculty of Law, UNSW Law, Australia
Marina is a Senior Lecturer in Corporate Law at the Law Faculty, UNSW Australia. She is currently the Director of Learning and Teaching at UNSW Law. Marina teaches corporate law, professional legal ethics and financial services law. She was the recipient of an Australian Learning and Teaching Council citation for excellence in 2011.
Marina has also published over 30 academic articles and two books on corporate law and legal education matters. She has further written over 20 submissions to Australian, UK and New Zealand governments regarding law reform issues in the area of corporations’ law and regulation. Her research is primarily in corporate law, regulation, indigenous corporate governance and financial services laws.
To read about all editorial board members visit this page.