New issue of the Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition journal
The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is proud to announce that the first issue of the Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition journal in 2022 has been published. This issue is represented by authors from different countries, such as the USA, China, the UK, and Italy.
The papers within the above-mentioned issue are focused on such matters as boards of directors, board strategy, climate risk disclosures, SERVQUAL, quality of life, takeover prediction, mergers and acquisitions, top management, joint tenure, leadership, and performance.
This issue starts with the paper by Hugh Grove, Maclyn Clouse, and Tracy Xu who investigate what are the challenges for boards of directors to help their companies manage, assess, and track performance with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) measures.
In the next study, Shirley Mo Ching Yeung aims at investigating the elements of service quality (SERVQUAL) for improving the quality of life of staff via an art-based curriculum with business elements based on the research of Latchem (2006) and Bond, Zawacki-Richter, and Nichols (2019) on the trend of educational technology by using content analysis.
The research by Abongeh Tunyi reviews the literature on takeover prediction, particularly focusing on theory, propositions and testable hypotheses on the factors that drive firms’ takeover likelihood. The paper then develops conceptual arguments underlying six new predictors of firms’ takeover likelihood including; information asymmetry, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) rumours, financial distress, payroll synergies, share repurchases and industry competition.
Nigel Garrow and Ifedapo Francis Awolowo in their study explored the impact of the joint tenure of the chairperson and the CEO on M&A outcomes. The authors utilised the resource-based view (RBV), upper echelon theory, and season of tenure theory as theoretical lenses to explore joint tenure’s potential impact on M&A outcomes.
The issue ends with Giorgia Profumo’s review of the book titled "Board of directors: A review of practices and empirical research", edited by Stefano Dell’Atti, Montserrat Manzaneque, and Shab Hundal (Virtus Interpress, 2020; ISBN: 978-617-7309-16-0). The review addresses the impact of board of directors’ practices in several different settings. It highlights the contribution of this book to the ongoing discussion on key points relating to boards of directors issues.
You are welcome to browse the full issue at the following link.
We hope that reading this issue will be pleasant and informative for you!