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This paper attempts to ascertain the impact of participative management on workflows, its influence on sales output and how well the concept is practised by consumer goods companies in Nigeria. Study adopted the survey design; questionnaires were used to collect necessary data from sales personnel across 10 states in South-Ssouth and South East Nigeria. Respondents rated the concept and application of participative management as it affects their work environment and sales output of the company. Statistical results of the study showed that 92.08% of the respondents believe that there are benefits derivable from participative management and that these benefits improve both sales output and workflow. 48% believe that participative management is practised in firms. Hypotheses tested using the chi-square test statistic revealed that: Consumer goods companies benefit from practising participative management, Participative management has effect on sales output of consumer goods companies, and the concept of participative management is not fully practised by consumer goods companies in Nigeria. These findings indicate that participative management principles need to be inculcated fully in the running of sales organisations so as to increase sales volume and ultimately boost the profit of consumer goods companies.
Keywords: Participative Management, Consumer Goods Companies, Concept, Sales Output, Workflows
How to cite this paper: Ogbo, A., Ugwu, C., Ugbam, C., & Chukwu, B. (2016). Participative management: Concept and application in consumer goods companies. Risk governance & control: financial markets & institutions, 6(4-1), 223-226. https://doi.org/10.22495/rcgv6i4c1art12