Download This ArticleMartín Leandro Dutto Giolong, Patricia Guadalupe Gomila
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The goal of this paper is to estimate the productive efficiency of Argentine banks. For this purpose, panel data of the universe of banks under the supervision of the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina (BCRA) has been collected. In order to build the bank´s indicators, we used a database of 66 institutions, with annual information for the period 2009-2013. The sources of information were both the BCRA´s web site (, and the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange´s web site ( It has been selected an efficiency indicator ranging between 0 and 1, meaning the lowest and highest level of efficiency, respectively. The concept of efficiency used here is a relative one, because it considers a Bank´s performance in relation to the behavior of the best players in the industry, being the latter the base of the industry benchmark or frontier. The results show that the mean efficiency of Argentine banks is 0,8277 in the specific period under consideration. The comparison with the results of other studies relating efficiency and competitive pressure, didn´t allow us to infer that the Argentine banking industry experienced in the period a high level of competition.
Keywords: Productive Efficiency, Banking Industry, BCRA
How to cite this paper: Dutto Giolongo, M., & Guadalupe Gomila, P. (2016). Productive efficiency in the banking industry. Risk governance & control: financial markets & institutions, 6(3), 74-79.