Professor Garry Bruton joined the Advisory Board of CGOBR
Editorial team of the Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review is proud to share the news that Prof. Garry Bruton, one of the leading experts in the field of entrepreneurship and firm strategy studies, agreed to be an Advisory Board member for the journal.
Dr. Garry Bruton is a Professor of Management at Neeley School of Business, TCU, USA.
Garry D. Bruton’s research focuses on the intersection of entrepreneurship, strategy and international business. He has published or has forthcoming over 100 academic articles in leading journals. In addition, Garry Bruton has co-authored three text books –small business management (McGraw-Hill), technology and innovation management (Cengage), and international management (Cengage). In 2005 Garry Bruton was the first holder of the Hall Chair in Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets offered by the Fulbright Foundation. He is past president of the Asia Academy of Management and former editor of the Academy of Management Perspectives. Garry Bruton has been selected by Sun Yat Sen University in Guangzhou, China and Jilin University in Changchun, China as Honorary Visiting Professor.
Prof. Bruton has more than 12 400 citations on Google Scholar.
We hope that recommendations of our Advisory board members based on their vast experience and expertise in academic research on sustainability will contribute to forming the best conceptual framework for the Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review making the journal one of the leading platforms in the field.
Instructions for authors can be found here.