Public procurement contracts futurity: Using of artificial intelligence in a tender process

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Karem Sayed Aboelazm ORCID logo, Khalid Mohamed Dganni ORCID logo

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The paper sheds light on the relationship of technology to public procurement as a type of innovation in the field of public procurement and the benefits and advantages that emerging technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI) based on robust algorithms, can bring. This paper also relied on the analytical approach in analyzing the literature related to public procurement and AI to identify the factors that help the success of the approved public procurement system supported by AI, as well as the issues raised by AI in several aspects and the advantages that AI can achieve in procurement. The paper aimed to analyze the factors affecting the adoption of the application and use of AI applications in public procurement through the digitization of public tender procedures and processes. The paper also presented the reality of public procurement in the era of digitization (Spreitzenbarth et al., 2024; Bilal et al., 2024). The paper also presented the main concerns and issues in using AI applications in public procurement. The elements of electronic public procurement systems (EPPS) and their progression were also presented. The paper concluded that technological, organizational, and political factors are the most critical factors influencing the adoption of AI techniques in public procurement.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Public Procurement, Algorithm, Big Data, Data Privacy, Tender

Authors’ individual contribution: Conceptualization — K.S.A.; Methodology — K.M.D.; Writing — Original Draft — K.S.A.; Write — Review & Editing — K.S.A.; Supervision — K.M.D.; Project Administration — K.M.D.

Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

JEL Classification: K10, K15, K19, K24

Received: 10.06.2024
Accepted: 20.01.2025
Published online: 24.01.2025

How to cite this paper: Aboelazm, K. S., & Dganni, K. M. (2025). Public procurement contracts futurity: Using of artificial intelligence in a tender process. Corporate Law & Governance Review, 7(1), 60–72.