Renewable energy practices towards poverty reduction in the legal and governance context

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Mondli Gina, Emmanuel Mutambara ORCID logo

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Poverty is one of the most vital issues negatively impacting livelihoods in South Africa. Central to addressing basic human needs towards poverty eradication lies the provision of renewable energy (Chen, 2024). Poverty can be addressed through access to energy sources that are modern, clean, and affordable (Lu et al., 2023). Energy is relevant for addressing fundamental human needs and is a prerequisite for economic growth. The study investigated the extent to which a move towards clean energy for poor communities contributed towards poverty reduction in an urban context. The study was carried out in two phases using a mixed-method research design. Phase 2 was a qualitative study based on information gathered from in-depth interviews, while Phase 1 was a quantitative study that included an online survey. According to the study’s findings, the adoption of renewable energy technologies in Soweto township, will contribute to a decrease in poverty, improve the socio-economic status of citizens, enhance economic growth, and save the environment. To achieve poverty reduction, the researchers concluded that, the government should provide the citizens with affordable renewable energy equipment, such as solar panels to those that are regarded as poor and provide incentives to those that install solar panels in their household.

Keywords: Poverty Reduction, Renewable Energy, Clean Energy, Economic Growth, Socio-Economic

Authors’ individual contribution: Conceptualization — E.M.; Methodology — M.G.; Investigation — M.G.; Writing — Original Draft — M.G.; Writing — Review & Editing — E.M.; Funding Acquisition — E.M.

Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

JEL Classification: C32, O4, Q2

Received: 04.03.2024
Accepted: 16.12.2024
Published online: 20.12.2024

How to cite this paper: Gina, M., & Mutambara, E. (2024). Renewable energy practices towards poverty reduction in the legal and governance context. Corporate Law & Governance Review, 6(4), 130–138.