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Rules and regulations for enhancing metro rail accessibility in a developing country
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This study aims to investigate the variables affecting the accessibility of rail transit services for Bangkok and its surrounding residents and the problems in establishing a central clearing house (CCH) to develop rules and regulations for a common ticketing system in Thailand. This study employed mixed methodologies — a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. For data analysis, binary logistic regression analysis and content analysis were employed. Currently, a relatively small fraction of commuters takes metro trains (Satranarakun & Kraiwanit, 2021). Access to rail transit services among users and all non-users is influenced by the number of transfers, city of residence, monthly transportation costs, monthly expenses, and use of Pinterest, WhatsApp, YouTube, Facebook, private vehicles, and motorcycle taxis. Access among users and potential non users is influenced by using Pinterest, motorcycle taxis, and private vehicles. CCH should be administered by a government agency or an impartial organisation. Service providers should advertise and launch promotions via social networks and place emphasis on those with the potential to pay for transportation but not use the services. Metro rail systems should collaborate with community organisations and advocates to develop programs and initiatives that address the specific needs of vulnerable populations while also promoting universal access to public transportation. Overall, metro rail accessibility laws, rules, and regulations should prioritise affordability and accessibility for all individuals.
Keywords: Rail Transit Service, Mass Transit Service, Metro Train, Central Clearing House, Common Ticketing System, Rules, Regulations
Authors’ individual contribution: Conceptualization — A.S. and T.K.; Methodology — A.S. and T.K.; Validation — A.S. and T.K.; Formal Analysis — A.S. and T.K.; Investigation — A.S.; Resources — A.S. and T.K.; Data Curation — A.S.; Writing — A.S. and T.K.; Supervision — T.K.
Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
JEL Classification: R41, R42, R48
Received: 21.11.2022
Accepted: 17.04.2023
Published online: 21.04.2023
How to cite this paper: Satranarakun, A., & Kraiwanit, T. (2023). Rules and regulations for enhancing metro rail accessibility in a developing country. Corporate Law & Governance Review, 5(1), 111–121. https://doi.org/10.22495/clgrv5i1p10