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Translating governance and legal compliance: Exploring the role of translation in facilitating corporate reporting and policy implementation
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Translation plays a crucial role in ensuring legal compliance and effective policy implementation in today’s digitized and globalized era. This paper aims to highlight the significance of translation in modern governance by examining the challenges, best practices, and impact of translation in rule-making, policy implementation, and stakeholder engagement. By conducting an in-depth scan of literature concerning policymakers, translators, and other key stakeholders to collect rich qualitative data on governance documents, the paper demonstrates how translation enhances transparent communication and facilitates meaningful engagement with stakeholders. In light of Gilmetdinova’s (2019) research, the paper addresses various challenges in translation, including timing, accuracy, handling legal and technical terms, cultural references, equipment, and the use of target languages. Furthermore, the paper showcases best practices in translation, such as thematic analysis, communities of practice, multilingual approaches, and the utilization of translation software to expedite high-quality translations. Ultimately, the paper emphasizes how translation contributes to refining governance processes in rule-making, policy implementation, and stakeholder engagement, fostering inclusivity, transparency, and accountability. It is anticipated that future research will explore the role of translation in healthcare systems and organizations.
Keywords: Translation, Governance, Regulatory Compliance, Policy Implementation, Inclusivity, Transparency, Challenges, Corporate Reporting
Authors’ individual contribution: Conceptualization — A.A.-T.; Methodology — M.A.-B.; Resources — W.A.H.; Writing — Original Draft — A.A.-T.; Writing — Review & Editing — M.A.-B.
Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
JEL Classification: F02, F15, F230
Received: 09.02.2024
Accepted: 09.09.2024
Published online: 13.09.2024
How to cite this paper: Al-Tarawneh, A., Al-Badawi, M., & Abu Hatab, W. (2024). Translating governance and legal compliance: Exploring the role of translation in facilitating corporate reporting and policy implementation. Corporate Law & Governance Review, 6(3), 27–36. https://doi.org/10.22495/clgrv6i3p3