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Competitive Intelligence (CI) improves the quality of product and service, decision-making and it improves quality of life. However, it has been established that decision makers are not happy about the quality of CI. This is because enterprises fail in quality assurance of CI. It has been concluded that most enterprises are clueless concerning CI quality assurance. Studies that previously attempted to resolve CI quality problem were limited in scope and focused too much on the quality of information than the overall CI quality. The purpose of this study is to propose a conceptual CI quality assurance model which will help in quality assurance of CI. The research was qualitative in nature and used content analysis.
Keywords: Competitive Intelligence, Quality Assurance, Information
How to cite this paper: Nenzhelele, T. N. (2015). A conceptual competitive intelligence quality assurance model. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 4(4-6), 685-696. https://doi.org/10.22495/jgr_v4_i4_c6_p3