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Feedback from stakeholders
Virtus Interpress transparency initiative was launched a couple of years ago. In this section, we provide (and continuously update) feedback from our stakeholders: authors and reviewers. To read feedback from reviewers, please scroll the page down.
Feedback from the authors:
- Hilary Till, Principal, Premia Capital Management, LLC; University of Colorado at Denver - J.P. Morgan Center for Commodities, USA: It was a pleasure working with the editorial team of the Journal of Governance and Regulation. The reviewing/correction process was straightforward and the responsiveness of the team was quick. When edits were provided to the final version, the edits were promptly made and were quickly returned for me to review the revised copy. Overall, it was a great experience!
- Dr. Michael Twum-Darko, Acting Head of the Graduate Center for Management, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences, Cape Town University of Technology, South Africa: My cooperation with Journal and the editorial team has been highly professional. They are very responsive and always come back to you within 24 hours. The review process has been credible and in compliance with their editorial policy. The reviews I always receive have been thorough and recommendations or suggestions have been very helpful to me. Adherence to the policy of quarterly publication have helped many researchers in the field corporate governance and regulations have relied on the Journal of Governance and Regulation to publish their scholarly work. I wish a successful and lasting future for the Journal of Governance and Regulation.
- Annette Borel, LL.M., Attorney at law, Trinidad and Tobago: It was a pleasure working with the team members at Virtus Interpress. The individuals with whom I liaised were very prompt and courteous in their responses to my queries and concerns. The members exhibited a high degree of professionalism in the discharge of their responsibilities and surpassed all my expectations. The efficiency in which my manuscript was reviewed and published was exceptional.
- Dr. Thierry Kirat, Director of Research C.N.R.S., Paris Dauphine University, France: On behalf my co-author, Dr. Frédéric Marty, I want to express our great satisfaction to have our article published in the Journal of Governance and Regulation. We appreciate your reactivity and the efficiency of the Journal editorial process. The review of our article has been made in a timely manner, in conformity with the schedule that has been given to us at the submission stage. The corrections of the proofs have been conducted in a very nice way. We also appreciate the kindness of our communications with the editorial team.
- Kim Wales, Founder and CEO, Wales Capital, USA: I am writing this short letter to express my gratitude toward the professional and pleasurable working relationship we fostered in 2015. It is rare to find a group of people that makes the process seamless, stays focus and deliver on time and quality products. Throughout the publication of my paper for the Journal of Governance and Regulation, Fourth Quarter, I thoroughly enjoyed working with you and the team. I look forward to submitting future papers in 2016 and working with the Virtus Interpress team.letter
- Dr. Christo Ackermann, University of Johannesburg, South Africa: My experience was great since inception. I got quick acknowledgment of receipt of paper in the journal of Governance and Regulation and was amazed by the three week turn around time. The report was detailed explaining why a specific article is good and suitable for publication, this was readily available. We are given an opportunity before publication to review the paper once more and I really appreciated this as it provides one more quality check from the authors perspective. I will definitely submit future articles for consideration for publication.
- Dr. Rigard J Steenkamp, Professor, Department of Operations
Management, Unisa, South Africa: Thank you for personalizing the communication to contributors of your journals, journal of Governance and Regulation, and Corporate Ownership and Control. It is my experience that your journals are known for transparency in terms of review lead time and publish ability. Some journals may take months to acknowledge submissions and providing feedback to authors. Contributors do appreciate your style in terms of the editorial team summary of the reviewer’s report, the date of writing the reviewer’s report, stating the applicable journal and providing summarized notes of the reviewer and/or editor. This is positive because some institutions demand this if articles qualify for government subsidy. I therefore want to conclude by thanking you for your cooperation, clear and prompt communication with contributors and especially your responsiveness. This dimension of your service quality can be regarded as a strategic performance objective of your business. The availability of the reviewers’ report(s) is another distinct competency. - Dr. Zeleke Worku, Professor, Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) Business School, South Africa: I am sending you this letter appreciation in order to express my sincere appreciation on the quality of professional services that you have provided to students and academic staff of Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) Business School in Pretoria, South Africa. We wish to thank for taking the time to complete the scientific and editorial review of research manuscripts that were submitted to the following journals on the IBSS list: Corporate Ownership and Control Journal; Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition Journal; Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets and Institutions Journal; Journal of Governance and Regulation. Please keep up the good work that you have done in the past. Mr. Solomon Khale, one of my DTech students at TUT Business School, has benefited significantly from your professional leadership and mentorship in the course of working on the valuable comments and inputs that you have given him. We value and appreciate your scholarly inputs, intellectual leadership, scientific insights and technical suggestions. We will be looking forward to working with you in the year 2016.
- Dr. Rebecca Tladinyane, University of South Africa, South Africa: "I want to express my greatest gratitude and pleasure working with the Journal of Governance and Regulation. You really made the journey of publishing in an accredited Journal to be very manageable. Your prompt response to the emails made it easier to liaise with. The peer review report by the reviewers was of high quality and efficiency in which my paper was reviewed and published very incomparable."
- Dr. Patricia Crifo, University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense - Economix, Ecole Polytechnique and CIRANO Ecole Polytechnique Department of Economics, France: "To give you some small feedback concerning my cooperation with your journal, I found that the communication with the editorial team of the journal was very good (efficient in time and response), the responsiveness of the editorial team was optimal (responses received within 48h at most), and the reviewing process very fast and efficient."
- Dr. Tamer A. El Nashar, The American University in Cairo, Egypt: "It was my pleasure to cooperate with your journal for publishing two papers. I found the communication with the editorial team of the journal is very effective , which was clear in the rich feed back for my inquires. The responsive of the editorial team is more than perfect as none of the feed back came late more than few hours. The reviewing process has a value added to improve my papers and learning for further opportunities. The Website of the journals and your overall institute is very fruitfull to help guide and add to the fields of studies. Analysing a sample of papers published by your website gave me a cornerstone for future papers whether empirically or narratively. Thanks and looking forward for future cooperation."
- Dr. Sankarshan Acharya, Director, Research Center on Finance and Governance, India & University of Illinois at Chicago (http://www.pro-prosperity.com/About.html): "The very foundation of the Journal of Governance and Regulation is seminal, peerless and paramount to attain the unanimously agreeable and universally desired individual freedom. JGR has uniquely fostered independent scholarly research - not funded by vested interests - which rationally challenges the academically pervasive dogmatic presumption of other established journals that rules of law ordained by democratically elected leaders are holy cows which should not be discoursed or published. JGR has published my papers on unanimously agreeable rules of governance - which are profoundly necessary and sufficient for unanimously longed individual freedom - that other established academic journals have refused to even review. It seems the other established academic journals do not care for individual freedom. This seems ironical because individual freedom is vital for enterprise and perseverance necessary for creation of wealth needed to fund these journals. But it is not surprising because these journals are funded by systemically robbed wealth. By returning papers on unanimously agreeable rules of governance without review, these journals show deep anxiety about a sudden stop to systemic robbery and their funding with propagation of the unanimously rules of governance which singularly
dismantle even surreptitious robbery. This is why JGR will shine as a leader in publication of unanimously agreeable and universally longed rules of governance." - Rui P. N. Santos, author of “The Dynamics of Deflation in a Growing Economy”: "My interaction with the journal was very easy - editor and general staff were always very solicitous and with rapid answers. A very clear deadline was established for the subimission of the paper in case this were to be published in the next issue and a average reviewing time period was also indicated at the beggining. The review by the editor happened to be timely (although I think the editor had a first contact with the paper though an early version in SSRN) and it came with a report indicating a clear and objective suggestion for improvement in a part of the paper. As soon as the change was made and the paper was definitley accepted for publication I was sent a formal letter of acceptance by the Journal saying that the paper were to be published in the current year. In general I can say there was an excellent cooperation with the Journal of Governance and Regulation."
- Dr. Andrea Lippi, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy: "The journal is characterized by a streamlined editorial structure that allows easy communication with the editor. Rapid decision-making is a very important element. The submission fee is adequate."
- Ryan Jacildo, Asian Development Bank, of Ms. Niny Khor and Ms. Ruth Tacneng, School of Economics and Management, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, Portugal): "We would like to express our gratitude to the editorial staff of the Journal of Governance and Regulation. The editorial staff of JGR coordinated the review proceedings efficiently. The comments were precise and reasonable. The correspondence was personalized, which we appreciate. The review process itself and the turnaround time after we responded to the comments were relatively swift. It was a good experience working with Virtus Interpress."
- Dr. Sven Larson, Economist and Public Policy Researcher with Hill City Skunkworks, The USA: "The Journal of Governance and Regulation is a well-run, quality-driven journal. It covers important topics outside of the traditional academic disciplines. There is a high need for this type of journals, since modern academic research is mostly problem oriented and topic driven. The journal management is professional and very good at interacting with authors. I was especially impressed with the peer-review process, which was detail-oriented and informative. Definitely helped me improve my paper. If you have a paper that falls within their field, I do recommend you submit it to them."
- Nesrin Benhayoun, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco; James Fogal, Notre Dame de Namur University, USA: “I was, indeed, very lucky to publish with the distinguished accredited Journal of Governance and Regulation. The kindness of the team members of Virtus Interpress has made the reviewing/publishing process fluid, very manageable and highly professional. The reactivity and the efficiency of the Journal editorial process were proved and too appreciated by both of us: co-authors Prof. James Fogal, Notre Dame de Namur University, USA and I) Actually, I am looking forward to submitting future papers to Virtus Interpress. Warm wishes for more success!"
- Dana Eshimova, Deputy Chairperson of the Board, Kazakhstan Public-Private Partnership: "I wish to share my experience of communicating with the Journal of Governance and Regulation. From that perspective, I am pleased to note its excellent submission process, friendly communication, expeditious replies and adequacy of review processing. In my view, the Journal indeed projects new and user friendly editorial values. Moreover, it cultivates an understanding of what its reader has long cherished to see about the journal. And, in that sense, the Journal of Governance and Regulation fully meets the requirements of one of this high caliber.
Moreover, the articles posted by the Journal capture beautifully the sentiments of a reader who may wish to be tuned to discover new interests, learn about science-driven facts that may occur far beyond the reader’s habitually comfort zones of attention. In that sense, the Journal helps essentially widen the scope of the peripheral vision of a reader to catch site of a much wider, global story, and get interested in the topic that one becomes passionate about. In my observations, the principles that govern the smooth functioning of the Journal are tailored to primarily meet a reader’s requirements: every subscriber gets the same rundown of the most important information posted on the front page: a sense of inclusive, shared experience guides the layout. That, in many ways, is the unique essence of the Journal. We are proud of the experience of reading the Journal, all with input and appreciation from its readers. With that, we commend on its performance." - Dr. Alicja Brodzka, Department of Finance, Wrocław University of Economics, Poland: “It was a pleasure to cooperate with the Journal of Governance and Regulation. Fast and reliable procedures have made the entire publishing process really effective. Valuable reviews have further improved the quality of submitted paper. But what I would like to emphasize the most, is the great contact with the editor of the Journal. Excellent responsiveness, clear feedback process, even final tips suggesting the ways of promoting the paper in order to gain maximum citations - every item deserves the recognition. Thank you very much for your cooperation!”
- Dr. Magdi El-Bannany, University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates and Ain Shames University in Egypt: "The concept of the Journal is covering a wide range of interesting topics which guided me to be focused in writing my research paper. The submission process is clear and the constructive feedback I received from the reviewers helped me to improve the quality of the paper. Based on this good experience with the Journal of Governance and Regulation, I am intending to continue my research work with the Journal. "
- Dr. Yudha Aryo Sudibyo, Faculty of Economics & Business, Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia: “My articles have been published in this publisher several times, and the editorial team worked quickly and very responsive. The reviewers gave comments, which could improve the article quality, they worked very professionally. I really appreciate the completeness of reviewing process and reports related to language and the paper contents.”
- Ken Miyajima, Senior Economist, International Monetary Fund, USA: “From the first submission to publication, the entire process was very effective. We appreciated clear and timely communication throughout. The excellent review comments helped enhance the quality of the manuscript.”
- Dr. Antonia Rosa Gurrieri, University of Foggia, Italy: “Collaboration with JGR is very positive for experts scholars. The possibility of interaction with anonymous experts’ referees seems productive in a growth perspective. Moreover, before and after acceptance, cooperation with Editorial Team is very efficient, in terms of rapidity and quality.”
- Dr. Samithamby Senthilnathan, International Training Institute, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea: “It is our great pleasure to experience our paper-publication in the Journal of Governance and Regulation. The publication process that the journal has makes the authors get the feedback, acknowledgement and paper-publication in time. The paper-submission to the journal was easy and direct. The feedback on the papers submitted was specific and clear, and the authors were allowed to confirm the paper-publication to meet their expectations. It is a great opportunity for the authors to act with confidence to bring the paper published from their perspective. All these must be highly valued and appreciated. We have enjoyed and experienced the great and pleasure moments while working with our publications in the Journal of Governance and Regulation. Also, we wish the Journal of Governance and Regulation to have a successful journey through publications as to be useful to academic communities globally”.
- Saleem Salman, School of Business, JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland: “It is a great pleasure to publish in the Journal of Governance and Regulation team. I would love to say that the editorial team is very professional and has worked diligently to get my paper to publish. I have received the comments from the reviewers within two months and after addressing the reviewer comments I have received feedback on the revision within one week. In nutshell, the publication process is very efficient as I do not have to wait for a longer period. Also, I would like to thanks to the editor for valuable comments and feedback for the improvement of the paper. Besides the journals publishing team is very efficient as they responded quickly and get the publication process done on time. I look forward to submitting future papers and working with the Virtus Interpress team”.
- Akio Otsuka, Law School, University of Tsukuba, Japan: “The communication with the managing editor is perfect because the timeline was shown clearly and the promise thereof was kept strictly. I received two reviewers’ reports which were relatively balanced. One was comprehensive and the other was detailed. I like both. I appreciate the two reviewers”.
- Vjollca Istrefi, University of Strasbourg, France: “I feel very privileged to have published my first article in your Journal of Governance and Regulation. This journal admirably reflects seriousness, quality, accountability and transparency throughout the review phase, right through to final publication. The review process is set very carefully, accompanied by very useful suggestions and guidance, so that you have a perfect final product. The collaboration is exceptional. With pleasure, I declare that my satisfaction is utmost”.
- Jasper Kim, Graduate School of International Studies, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea: “The overall process working with Journal of Governance and Regulation was extremely collegial, efficient and easy. All the editors, in my view, provided insightful feedback. The journal team is very cordial. The peer reviews were helpful to improve the manuscript. I also found the online user experience is straightforward to navigate. And the overall outcome met or exceeded expectation”.
- Osama Samih Shaban, Faculty of Business, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan: “I would like to have this opportunity to thank the chief editor for his efforts and timely response to our papers, coordinating with reviewers, and finally publishing our paper. I would also like to appraise the policy of open access adopted by the Journal, which makes our published papers more accessible by readers. It was a great experience by dealing with Virtus Journals, and wish them all the best”.
- Prof. Dr. Abdulnaser Ibrahim Nour, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine: “I want to express my greatest gratitude and pleasure working with the Journal of Governance and Regulation and publishing our paper in the Journal. You really made the journey of publishing in an accredited Journal to be very honorable and greet. Your prompt response to the emails made it easier for me, and cooperation with you and your team is smooth and credible. Best wishes and more progress in the future”.
- Prof. Muhammad Mahboob Ali, PhD, Post Doctorate, Dhaka School of Economics, Constituent Institution of the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh: “I express my deep gratitude to the Managing Editor of the Journal of Governance and Regulation, Olha Lytvynenko, who was professionally highly skilled, sound, possesses high zeal and helpful to the authors as it was evident from the start of the submission process to the completion of the publication process. After submission of my article, I was astonished how quickly I received an email from the Managing Editor of the journal who informed me that at their end they received the article and started the evaluation process blindly without any sort of prejudice and unbiased manner. I waited for the blind reviewers’ comments. Within 6/7 weeks, I received the reviewers’ report. I worked on the report as per their guidelines. After finishing the revised article, I was a little bit nervous whether again it will take a lengthy process. With my greater satisfaction, I received within 15 days’ time what I should do more in the process of rectifying the article to publish. And when I finished the modifications, I was so happy that the Managing Editor of the journal works like a speed of an E = MC² (where e = energy, m = mass, c2 = the speed of light squared). Her working speed makes me glad to publish the article in the Journal. I am also indebted to the entire editorial team and support services who helped to publish the article nicely taking a lot of pain and stress during the pandemic. I am also expressing my gratitude to the learned reviewers of the article who were anonymous. Thanks, and best wishes to the editorial team members of the Journal of Governance and Regulation for their continued support in the process of quality assurance publication”.
- Dr. Amrie Firmansyah, Senior Lecturer of Polytechnic of State Finance STAN, Indonesia: “The publications in the Journal of Governance and Regulation has been a valuable experience in my research journey. I always obtain positive feedbacks and challenges from the reviewers. The reviewer comments were easy to understand so that It made me excited to conduct manuscript revisions as much as I could. I realized that these revisions aimed to improve my articles’ quality because I expect that my articles, which have been published in this journal, can benefit international readers. I would like to express my highest appreciation to the editorial team who has responded quickly regarding correspondence so far and always provide the opportunity to recheck on the final editing of my manuscripts before publication. Besides, I have obtained the international learning processes that are beneficial for publishing articles in the future, which is increasingly dynamic and challenging”.
- Jameel Aljaloudi, Department of Planning and Project Management, College of Business, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan: “I found your cooperation with me friendly and fruitful. The reviewing process is objective, responses are quick and patient. Regarding the reviewer’s report, it is very clear and systematic. It’s my honor to cooperate in the future with the managing editor of the journal (Olha Lytvynenko). Thank all staff working on the Journal and the blind reviewer”.
- Dr. Ahmed Eltweri, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom: “The submission experience we had with the Journal of Governance and Regulation was excellent in various aspects, timing, reviewer’s constructive feedback and its clarity, and their professionalism. The communications and response with the editor and the team are highly appreciated. The overall experience is highly recommended”.
- David Isaac Ntimba, Department of People Management and Development, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa: “I would like to say that it was for the first time for me to publish either a paper or article with Journal for Governance and Regulation (JGR). However, what I experienced with JGR was absolutely different from the roller-coaster which I went through while trying to publish with other journal platforms. I was very impressed with the level of JGR’s professionalism and perfectionism when it comes to communication, review process as well as the review feedback. I can say without any hesitation that JGR is very strict, which I am 100% comfortable with – as JGR cannot be expected to accept any low-level quality paper or article referred to it by authors who are just taking chances. I was also very impressed with the qualitative, accurate and consistent communication which the Managing Editor of JGR displayed and practiced throughout our engagement. This kind of communication kept me fully informed with each and every step of the publication process. At no point whatsoever, have I felt kept in the dark with regard to the steps leading to the publication of my paper. Finally, the review process was really amazing, as it was on time and never delayed like is the general practice in other journal platforms. The content of the Reviewer’s Report was very educative, empowering and honest. It has also taught me a lot with regard to what JGR expects from any of its authors. I would like to conclude by saying, I am very pleased to have published my paper with JGR and would definitely not hesitate to publish with this journal in future”.
- Dr. Dina Hassouna, Lecturer of Accounting and Financial Control, PhD, MBA, Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political Science, The British University in Egypt "BUE", El Shorouk, Egypt: “The Journal of Governance and Regulation is one of the best academic journal I have dealt with specifically in terms of response time, objective, and quality feedback as well as the excellent interaction with authors. I am recommending that other international journals look at it as a role model. I expect that it will be among the leading international journals in its field very soon”.
- Besime Ziberi, Faculty of Economics, AAB College, Prishtina, Kosovo: “I do not find words to describe my satisfaction in collaboration with you! The timely response and support throughout all the process from submissions till publication is very much appreciated! I am sharing this information with my colleagues who also published their papers in your journal and some of them are in process who all are very happy with the shared information as you really are contributing to the quality of our manuscripts from viewpoint of reviewers’ suggestions and editors!”
- Dr. Engy ElHawary, Lecturer, PhD. in Accounting, Business Department, Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political Science, The British University in Egypt "BUE", El Shorouk, Egypt: “It was the first time for me to publish a paper with Journal of Governance and Regulation (JGR), but I hope it will not be the last. It was a very good and valuable publishing experience in such a respectable journal. The Editorial team is so friendly and cooperative. The reviewers’ comments are very objective and valuable that help improving the quality of my paper to benefit the international readers. The whole review process is very easy and systematic. The Editorial team is very professional and responds quickly to all my questions. They helped me in rechecking the final editing of my manuscripts before publication and sending me my hard copy. I really express my gratitude to the whole team, especially to the Managing Editor of the Journal of Governance and Regulation, Olha Lytvynenko, who is so friendly, professional and helpful. Publishing in such a professional journal is highly recommended. I hope I can publish another paper in this journal again in the future“.
- Maurizio Polato, Professor of Banking and Finance, University of Udine, Udine, Italy: “Even, on behalf of my co-authors, I want to express our satisfaction. The paper submission was easy and the review process very fast. As is known, some journals take months to provide feedback to authors. After submission, Olha Lytvynenko informed me that the review process would have started in a few days. Within 5/6 weeks, I received the reviewers’ report and, once made the revisions, after a short time the editorial team’s final decision has been taken. In conclusion, it was a real pleasure working with the editorial team of the Journal of Governance and Regulation!”
- Yaser Saleh Al Frijat, Department of Accounting, Tafila Technical University, Tafila, Jordan: “It has been my pleasure to collaborate with the editorial team of the Journal of Governance and Regulation. The review process was comprehensive and revised, and get in touch quickly with me as a researcher. All the notes I received from the journal’s editorial members were organized and clear, which made it easy for me as a researcher to process them quickly and send them directly. In the end, a great and respected team, with all my best wishes for this journal to move forward”.
- Prof. Xhemazie Ibraimi, Faculty of Law, AAB College, Pristina, the Republic of Kosovo: “I have published many articles in various magazines but the publication and collaboration in this magazine with the editor Olha has left me without text. A perfect wonderful editor who knows how to motivate new publishers by pushing them to continue the work started with the word that you can only need a little more that your work is great just please do that too. This thanks to the Editor and the team where the work then passes to the evaluation on the technical side, you are all great as a team that knows how to attract and motivate new publishers. I would like to guide all my colleagues to publish in this magazine with Editor Olha and this wonderful team as it is worth it”.
- Mapeto Bomani, Department of Business, Management & Entrepreneurship, Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Botswana: “I published an article with the Journal of Governance and Regulation. I applaud the Senior Managing Editor for excellent and timely communication with authors. The review process is timely and professional. Reviewer reports are clear, objective, comprehensive and help develop the writing style of authors”.
- Abena Engmann, School of Business Leadership, University of South Africa, South Africa: “I was really impressed with the entire communications process with the Managing Editor of the Journal. She communicated with me every step of the way from the minute my manuscript was received till it was published. My mails were acknowledged and follow ups made when I did not respond in time. The reviewers’ report were simple but concise, easy to understand and respond to. This was my first publication but the experience was simply amazing”.
- Dr. Williams C. Iheme, Associate Professor of Law, O.P Jindal Global University, India: "I was very impressed by the high-level efficiency of the editorial team of Journal of Governance and Regulation (JGR). I got a detailed and helpful feedback from the peer reviewers within 6 weeks of submission, and their feedback helped me in improving the quality of my manuscript. The editorial team of JGR was timely in their email responses and ensured that the published manuscript met with the highest standards of academic publication. I highly recommend JGR to other scholars who wish to publish their important works".
- Ignacio López Domínguez, Department of Accounting and Finance (A&F), Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences (Somosaguas campus), Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain: “It was a nice experience to work with all the team members at Virtus Interpress. The managing editor was very quick in the answers and the communication very fluid. All the comments of the reviewers were very valuable and very useful to improve my paper. The proofs and their corrections have been conducted in a very nice way, giving advice in every step and opinions that I really appreciate. The kindness of the editorial team is a remarkable feature. It will be a pleasure to work again with this Journal”.
- Rizky Yudaruddin, Faculty of Economics and Business, Mulawarman University, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia: “I’d like to thank the editors and the entire team at the Journal of Governance and Regulation. The reviewers’ peer-reviewed reports are of high quality and efficiency, and they have helped to improve my paper. Communication with the editor made me very happy with the services provided. JGR journal will be used as references in my next paper”.
- Tayil Mahmoud Shiyab, College of Law, Al Ain University, Al Ain, the UAE: “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my views regarding the process of my recent publication. First, the managing editor was extremely helpful and flexible. The review process was timely and smooth. Finally, the reviewer’s comments were to the point and enhanced the overall quality of the paper. I really enjoyed the experience and I am confident that I will be sending another article in your reputable journal. Once again, thank you for everything”.
- Tanpat Kraiwanit, PhD Program Director, Faculty of Economics, Rangsit University, Pathum Thani, Thailand: "It was a pleasure to collaborate with the Journal of Governance and Regulation. Every stage of the process, from submission to publication, was incredibly professional and responsive. Any emails received were answered within 24 hours. The reviewers’ recommendations were so helpful, thorough, and comprehensible so that we were able to modify our work with ease. Working with the managing editor team was a fantastic experience since they went above and beyond to help us with any difficulties, no matter how serious. Finally, we would like to collaborate with the Journal of Governance and Regulation in the future”.
- Venet Shala, Faculty of Economics, University “Ukshin Hoti”, Prizren, the Republic of Kosovo: “I would like to express my gratitude for the very correct and professional cooperation from your journal. Correctness and speed in communication has led me to trust you and publish more than one article with your journal. The reviewing process was very fast, correct and professional, with your comments you helped us a lot to rise the quality of our work and have a better standard. I really hope that we will have a long-term cooperation together”.
- Albana Demi, Public Administration Department, "Aleksander Moisiu" University, Durres, Albania: "It is great gratitude and satisfaction to publish our paper in the Journal of Governance and Regulation. The cooperation with Virtus Interpress was held during the pandemic situation and we would like to express my deep gratitude for its strategic and kind performance on the reviewing process. It was a very good experience for me as the corresponding author and I appreciate the efficiency and professional assistance of Ms. Olha Lytvynenko at any time. Many thank you Ms. Sofiya for the communication with the layout of the paper before publication. The reviewer’s technical suggestions helped us to improve the publication in the correct form stage by stage. Analyzing the publishing process is my pleasure to be in touch with Virtus Interpress on future papers".
- Njomeza Zejnullahu, Faculty of Law, University of Business and Technology, Pristina, the Republic of Kosovo: "I would like to emphasize the great experience that I had as a researcher in working with and publishing at the Journal of Governance and Regulation. The most important feature of this cooperation was the efficiency of the entire process, starting from the review and ending with technical details. The reviewers and staff made sure that comments are received as soon as possible and addressed accordingly, without pressure but with polite and efficient reminders. It was a smooth and professional process publishing in the Journal of Governance and Regulation. Definitely, I will be back".
- Tafirei Mashamba, Great Zimbabwe University, Masvingo, Zimbabwe; University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa: "It was an awesome publication journey with the editorial team of the Journal of Governance and Regulation, especially the Senior Managing Editor Olha Lytvynenko. Their feedback was prompt and their English editing service was excellent. The guys are patient and receptive and I enjoyed working with them. I have made the journal, one of my first priority journals given their quality and prompt services. Overall, I enjoyed working with the team from this journal".
- Dr. Akinola George Dosunmu, Department of Adult Basic Education, College of Education, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa: “My correspondence with the managing editor of the Journal of Governance and Regulation was fantastic in terms of response to queries regarding my draft article from the beginning till the publication of my article. The editor of the journal promptly replied to any urgent emails within hours. The reviewing process was timely and accurate. Contents of the reviewer’s reports addressed issues concisely related to the draft article and well-presented recommendations were made for appropriate corrections on the part of the author. I am satisfied working with the entire editorial team of the journal”.
- Ayyagari Lakshmana Rao, Department of Commerce, School of Entrepreneurship and Management Studies, SRM University, Andhra Pradesh, India: "At the outset, it is worth to mention here that relatively very few journals publish the feedback of the authors, it is a good practice asking for author’s feedback, as far as a researcher and author my view is that the review process is very robust and no compromise on quality and further it is majorly concerning on the outcome to the body of literature in the field of corporate governance and regulation, it can be said with gut feeling that, this is a dedicated journal in the field of corporate governance and its allied aspects. The journal provides a valuable treasure of knowledge to any researcher in the area of corporate governance. The editing process stands high in all respects starting from reception of the manuscript till its publication, the published literature is very much useful both to the industry and academia across the globe".
- Emmanuel Mutambara, Graduate School of Business & Leadership, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, South Africa: "I write to acknowledge how well the review process has helped in improving my academic papers. I would like to confirm that the comments provided by reviewers have improved the quality of the papers. In addition, the time frames provided by the reviewers have kept me in the mode to complete the paper. The review process is clear and straightforward. The content provided by the reviewers has modelled the paper into one that is international, something that was missing in the original submission".
- Jorida Xhafaj, University for Business and Technology, Prishtina, the Republic of Kosovo: "It was my first time publishing in the Journal of Governance and Regulation, and I appreciated the highly organized publication instructions and the very effective communication with the managing editor. The reviewers thoroughly read the paper, allowing us to improve its quality by performing additional validation. So, a thorough review aided in making my manuscript and the overall presentation of the research more scholarly. It took a few months, but I am very pleased with the final product”.
- Timothy Olaniyi Aluko, Department of Management Accounting, College of Accounting Science, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa: "Thank you so much for allowing us to publish our paper in the journal Journal of Governance and Regulation. It was a good experience and a new learning approach, especially during the review process and our engagement with the editorial team. The feedback received from the editorial and the reviewer was of high quality, and this provided an opportunity for young researchers to develop their research and publication skills. Thanks for the opportunity".
- Badingatus Solikhah, Associate Professor, Accounting Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia; National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Douliu, Taiwan: "I am very happy and proud to have published my article in the Journal of Governance and Regulation. I get constructive feedback from reviewers. The journal’s editors and staff are also very responsive in responding to any questions from the authors. Hopefully, both publishers and editors can continue to maintain the quality of publications".
- Shatha Mahfouz, Faculty of Business and Management, Sultan Zainal Abidin University, Terengganu, Malaysia: "It was a pleasure working with the team members of the Journal of Governance and Regulation. They are very responsive and always come back to me very fast. The review process has been credible and in compliance with their editorial policy. When edits were provided to the final version, the edits were promptly made and were quickly reviewed in the revised copy. I’ll definitely submit future articles for consideration for publication in the Journal of Governance and Regulation".
- Prof. Wilfred Isioma Ukpere, Full Professor, Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management, School of Management, College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa: "Over the years, spanning over 7, I have contributed papers to different journals housed by Virtus Interpress, such as Corporate Ownership and Control, Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, Journal of Governance and Regulation, etc. I have as well attended several conferences organised by Virtus Interpress both in France and Italy. It has been a pleasure all these years publishing with them. Their review system is of high calibre; the feedbacks I receive from them have always enriched the quality of my paper. The editors of the journal seem very efficient and always respond to queries on time. The quality of their published papers is of a very high standard, which is why they have a wide range of international contributors, authors and editorial board. Recently my paper was published in the Journal of Governance and Regulation, and I am very impressed with the quality of their output. It has really been a pleasure associating with them”.
- Yousif Abdelbagi Abdalla, Department of Accounting, College of Business Administration (AACSB), University of Sharjah, the UAE: “On behalf of my co-authors, I would like to express my great appreciation and pleasure working with the editorial team of the Journal of Governance and Regulation. I would appreciate the prompt responding, high quality, and very helpful reviewing process adopted by the Journal. Thank you, the managing editor of the Journal, our reviewers, and the publisher. In overall, our experience was very great with the Journal of Governance and Regulation. We are looking forward to further cooperation”.
- Silas Mukwarami, Africa Centre for Sustainability Accounting and Management (ACSAM), School of Accountancy, University of Limpopo, South Africa: "I appreciate quick responses from the managing editor from the first day I sent our article to the Journal of Governance and Regulation till the day our paper was accepted. The review process did not take long, and it took less time than expected. The review report from the editors was insightful and helped us improve the quality of our paper".
- Fitriya Fauzi, RMIT University, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam: "I have published a few articles in the Journal of Governance and Regulation, and it was a great experience. All the processes starting from submission to publication are very engaging and professional as the journal’s editor provides a prompt response, the reviewers provide valuable feedback, and the production teams provide proper assistance".
- Muhammad Din, Faculty of Economics and Business, Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia: "My research was published in the Journal of Regulation and Governance with a transparent and accountable process. The handling of articles by the editor is carried out in a responsive and communicative manner. The results of the review are very useful for improving the quality of research. Most review points are constructive and appreciative. Hopefully, Virtus Interpress journals can continue to improve the quality of their articles, and maintain their excellent reputation in scientific forums".
- Joko Tri Nugraha, Tidar University, Magelang, Indonesia: "My experience is working with the editor of the Journal of Governance and Regulation, the communication is very good. The review process is carried out critically and in depth, motivating the author to write even better. In addition, the review process has been very responsive and easy to understand in the process of revising articles for the better. Communication continues throughout the process of this article being published. Thank you very much, editor".
- Sohail Magableh, Department of Economics, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan: "I’m really excited for your cooperation and professional work during my dealing with the managing editor and reviewing process, I like the precise comments linked with limited time. All these things made me happy to deal with you, and of course, have improved the quality of my research".
- Artan Nimani, Rector of University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani”, Gjakovë, the Republic of Kosovo: “Publishing a paper in this journal has been a worthy experience. The editorial office staff were very cooperative and provided all the guidance and support as needed. The review of the Journal of Governance and Regulation was of high quality and beneficial, it helped us improve the quality of the work published. The professional work of the editors and the other staff have exceeded all my expectations. The efficiency with which my manuscript was reviewed and published was tremendous”.
- Roberta Bajrami, Faculty of Economics, AAB College, Pristina, the Republic of Kosovo: "I have very positive opinions about the Journal of Governance and Regulation. So far, two papers have been published and every procedure from application to publication is extremely correct and fair. I can name two main features of this journal that pushed me to publish again in it: the first is the very fast and transparent communication from the Editing Management and the second is the rules/recommendations from the editorial board from which they assure me that the journal is very serious and has stability in Scopus".
- Yahya Ali Al-Matari, Accounting Department, College of Business Administration, King Faisal University, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: "It is a pleasure to have this opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation to the editorial team of the journal of Governance and Regulation for their support and kind cooperation. My foremost gratitude goes to the Managing Editor, Olha Lytvynenko, who is so friendly, professional and helpful. I am also grateful to the learned reviewers of the article who provided me with the objective and valuable comments that help improving the quality of my paper. I am so much satisfied with the way my article was managed through the whole publication process".
- Pankaj Mishra, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India: “The publications experience with Virtus Interpress was hassle free, cooperative and enlightening. The comments from reviewers were to the point and it was restricted only to finding out the gaps. The comments suggested alternatives as well as other possibilities that we could explore and then imbibe in the article. Each section of the article was commented on with the intent of improving it. The communications were prompt and never missed the committed timelines. The communication with the Managing Editor was smooth and accommodative ensuring at the same time that the quality of the submission is aligned to the Journal’s requirements. We look forward to submitting to the Journal in the future as well”.
- Endri Endri, Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia: “Our paper which is published in the Journal of Governance and Regulation has been carried out in a systematic review stage and the comments provided have made our paper much better than the initial submission. Thank you to the reviewers and editors for their cooperation until our paper has been covered by Scopus”.
- Williams Omokhudu Odiwo, Department of Business Administration, Edo State University Uzairue, Iyamho, Nigeria: “Dear Editor, I am so glad to have published in your reputable journal. I have introduced the journal to all my colleagues and they are happy with it. The editor keeps schedules. Kudos to all the editors for their dedication for a job well done”.
- Thu Trang Ta, National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam: “I am very pleased with the reviewing process and quick response from the editorial team of the Journal of Governance and Regulation. The journal has been professional support and in compliance with editorial policy. Overall, I am very satisfied and hope to continue to cooperate with the journal in the future”.
- Ziad Kh. Al-Enizi, College of Law, Al Ain University, Abu Dhabi, the UAE: “In fact, the experience of publishing in the Journal of Governance and Regulation was excellent, where the editorial team was very cooperative and the responses were quick, whether during the submission period or the peer-review process. Also, the comments, notes, and corrections from the editorial team had a significant impact on enriching and improving the research in terms of both form and content. I wish the journal and the editorial team to continue on this professional approach of work, and I will definitely be pleased to publish in the journal and collaborate with them again”.
- Rani Eka Diansari, Graduate School of Management, Management and Science University, Selangor, Malaysia: “It was a pleasure to work with the Journal of Governance and Regulation’s editors. The process of reviewing and making changes was easy, and the team was quick to respond. When changes were suggested for the final version, they were completed immediately and sent back to me so I could look through the changes. All in all, it was a terrific time!”
- David Umoru, Department of Economics, Edo State University Uaizrue, Nigeria: “On behalf of all the members of our research team, I wish to commend the efforts of the team members at Virtus Interpress. The individuals particularly the managing editor of the Journal of Governance and Regulation worked tirelessly and dedicatedly in providing answers to all our queries as regards the publication of all our manuscripts sent for publication considerations. These research personnels at Virtus Interpress are all indeed courteous and extremely prompt in their responses to questions and issues that borders on clarity. The manuscript review process is effective, fast, and very cordial”.
- Rula Hani AlHalaseh, Business School, Mutah University, Alkarak, Jordan: “I am delighted to share my publishing experience with the Journal of Governance and Regulation. I appreciate the managing editor’s and the JGR staff’s professionalism and prompt responses. The review procedure was straightforward and did not take long. The reviewer’s report contained useful and fair information. Looking forward to further cooperation”.
- Gatot Soepriyanto, Accounting Department, School of Accounting, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia: “In my experience, the editorial & review process has been efficient and well-organized, and I have had a positive experience communicating with the managing editor of the journal. As for the reviewing process, I recognize the importance of maintaining academic rigor and believe that the process is already quite thorough. However, there may be room for improvement, such as implementing additional checks to ensure high quality of feedback. In terms of the content of the reviewer’s report, I have found the feedback to be helpful and constructive in improving my work. However, I think it would be beneficial to have more specific and actionable feedback that can be applied to future submissions. Overall, I am grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with you and your team and look forward to continuing to work together in the future”.
- Mentor Lecaj, AAB College, Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo: “It was a very honour to work with the editorial team of the Journal of Governance and Regulation. They are very cooperative from the beginning of the publication process. Their suggestions and recommendations during the review process were very professional and very fruitful as well”.
- Faisal Faisal, Accounting Department, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia: “Since 2016 I have published my papers several times on Virtus Intrerpress. I really appreciate all stages in the publication process, from the easy submission process to the manuscript process of being accepted and printed. Communication with the managing editor is excellent, the response and feedback from reviewers is fast and constructive. I agree that Virtus Intrerpress has high visibility, this has an impact on the citation rate of papers to be high”.
- Hussen Amran Naji Al-Refiay, Faculty of Administration and Economics, University of Karbala, Karbala, Iraq: “I found the academic journal to be an excellent platform for my research article. The editorial process was efficient and professional, and the peer-review feedback was insightful and helpful in improving my work. The journal’s readership and reputation provided valuable exposure for my research, and I am proud to have contributed to its quality content”.
- Renata Legenzova, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania: “It was my pleasure to cooperate with the Journal of Governance and Regulation. I am very grateful for the effective communication I have had with the editorial team. Their prompt response to my queries and the valuable feedback they provided have been much appreciated. The reviewing process was incredibly helpful, not only in making my paper better, but also in allowing me to learn for future opportunities. I am deeply grateful for the help and support I have received and I look forward to continuing our cooperation in the future”.
- Manh Dung Tran, National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam: “Great to know Journal of Governance and Regulation. I have some manuscripts issued in this famous journal, so the Vietnamese research community is much interested in having studies issued in this journal in the future”.
- Sutaryo, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia: “I am delighted to have published my paper in the Journal of Governance and Regulation and contribute to the journal. The journal is managed professionally to produce high-quality publications in the relevant research fields. We would like to thank the Editorial Board for handling our publication well from the submission process, review, and publication. The reviewer also provides clear and constructive comments and suggestions to improve the quality of the paper. Finally, I can recommend the Journal of Governance and Regulation to the researchers who want to publish their papers to provide meaningful contributions to the literature”.
- Hakeem Hammood Flayyih, University of Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia; Department of Accounting, College of Administration and Economics, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq: “Virtus Interpress plays an important role in the publishing industry. After I have published two articles in the Journal of Governance and Regulation and Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review, I would like to thank the editorial board for several reasons; their dealings in accordance with the publication ethics and reliance on reviewers who gave great credibility as well as cooperation and fast response while adhering to the specified time”.
- K. C. Baiju, Central University of Kerala, Kasargod, Kerala, India: “I am very much happy to intimate you that my experience with publishing an article with the Journal of Governance and Regulation was very good. I appreciate the editorial team and review teams for their prompt response”.
- Throstur Olaf Sigurjonsson, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland; Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark: “I have had the pleasure of publishing at the Journal of Governance and Regulation. I am happy to share my very good experience as an author in collaboration with Virtus Interpress, and the journal. To me, the publisher’s website provides clear guidelines for how to prepare a manuscript for submission. And if any questions arise because of that process, the editorial office provides a quick and supportive response. The review process has been solid and quick. Reviewers get a clear guideline on how to review, but they seem as well have flexibility to provide additional thoughts and ideas for improving manuscripts. The structure around the publication process upon acceptance of papers is as well rigid. I believe this clarity and transparency in both submission and publication process creates the positive experience I have had with the publisher and the Journal of Governance and Regulation. I do publish in a variety of journals. My experience with Virtus Interpress is amongst the strongest and most positive ones”.
- Gazmore Rexhepi, University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani”, Gjakova, the Republic of Kosovo: “Communications with the managing editor: I found the managing editor to be very responsive and helpful. She was always quick to answer my questions, and she was always willing to go the extra mile to make sure that my review went smoothly. Reviewing process: The reviewing process was well-organized and efficient. I received my reviewer’s report within a reasonable amount of time, and the reviewer’s feedback was helpful and constructive. Content of the reviewer’s report: The reviewer’s report was clear, concise, and helpful. The reviewer’s comments were specific and actionable, and they helped me to improve my manuscript. Overall, I had a very positive experience cooperating with your journal. I appreciate the professionalism and efficiency of the managing editor, and I found the reviewer’s report to be very helpful. I would be happy to cooperate with your journal again in the future”.
- Aan Komariah, Educational Administration Department, Faculty of Educational Science, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia: “Thank you for publishing our research paper. The publisher was very efficient in handling the publication. We didn’t have to wait long to receive information about whether our manuscript was rejected, declined, or forwarded for review. The review process was meticulous and well done, yet quick. After receiving the Letter of Acceptance (LoA), our article was published, and within a very short time, just one week, it was already indexed in Scopus. Thank you to the editorial team!”
- Moustafa Elmetwaly Kandeel, College of Law, Al Ain University, Al Ain, the UAE; Faculty of Law, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt: “I am one of the authors interested in publishing in the Journal of Governance and Regulation. I express my thanks and appreciation for the unlimited cooperation from Olha Lytvynenko Senior Managing Editor, Managing Editor of the Journal of Governance and Regulation. I thank her for the quick response to the emails, and therefore I have advised all my colleagues to cooperate with the editorial team of this Journal”.
- Haitham A. Haloush, Faculty of Law, Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Amman, Jordan: “I found high cooperation from the editorial team, particularly, the secretarial role and management executives within the publishing process. They address authors’ concerns promptly without delay and advise when needed on the proper routes to proceed with reviewing manuscripts. As for reviewers, their comments are precise and simple to follow. the published manuscript is revised thoroughly before final acceptance and appears in easily accessible form on the Journal website”.
- Argjira Bilalli, Faculty of Business and Economics, South East European University, Tetovo, North Macedonia: “First of all, thank you for evaluating our paper as suitable for publication in your journal and for the opportunity you gave us to cooperate with you. The revision of the paper was flexible, and based on your prompt reaction, we managed to make changes for a short period of time containing the reviewer’s comments. I am very thankful for the comments of reviewers, which have been meaningful and reasonable and from which we have learned a lot. Thank you for creating such a positive learning environment. Further, I am very passionate about editors like you! We are excited to continue in the future with the publication of new research papers”.
- Paolo Capuano, Department of Business and Management, LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Italy: “I have had the pleasure of publishing some papers with the Journal of Governance & Regulation. From this collaboration, I can highlight that communications with the managing editor of the journal were always punctual, fast and highly efficient. The review process was quick and always completed on time. Furthermore, the reviewer’s report was always comprehensive, detailed and clear”.
- Ngadhnjim Brovina, Faculty of Political Science, University for Business and Technology, Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo: “My experience with your journal, in which I have published, has been excellent. As an author, I received timely and accurate instructions and clarifications. From the very beginning when I submitted my work, I received the necessary notifications. After the acceptance of my submission, I also received some comments from the editor and reviewers, which were constructive, and I was given ample time as an author to make the necessary revisions to the paper without any time pressure. Additionally, the technical and communication team has always been ready to provide explanations or address any potential uncertainties I may have had. Finally, as an author who has published in your journal, I highly recommend others to submit their work for publication because the collaboration offered by the entire team at the journal is impressive”.
- Ni Nyoman Ayu Suryandari, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia: “This is my first experience with the Journal of Governance and Regulation. The manuscript published in this journal is the first of my systematic literature review. The review process was also of high quality and easy for me to understand. The editor’s communication by email was also fast. I appreciate it. I have recommended this journal to my colleagues. I will continue to submit articles to this journal. Thank you for the opportunity to publish in the Journal of Governance and Regulation”.
- Albana Pasjaqa, Faculty of Law, AAB College, Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo: “From our perspective, we can say that our collaboration with your journal is at a very high level, starting with the managing editor of the journal, the review procedure, and the content of the reviewer’s report. We consider it a blessing your publication of our work. We anticipate working together in the future, given the journal’s importance and accuracy”.
- Mohammad Falah Samar Aljaman, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia: “Your journal is excellent for publishing and has a high level of credibility and punctuality. I am very happy to deal with you. Thank you all”.
- Duc Ho Dai, Tra Vinh University, Tra Vinh City, Vietnam: “It was a pleasure working with the editorial team of the Journal of Governance and Regulation. From your receipt of the first draft to your meticulous and clear review of my article’s content along with the rigorous review process that helped me perfect my article; make me believe your journal. Thank you so much and I hope the relationship between you and I continues to grow strong”.
- Nadia Abdelhamid Abdelmegeed Abdelwahed, Department of Management, College of Business, King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia: “I am delighted to share my positive experience collaborating with the Journal of Governance and Regulation. Working with the managing editor has been exceptionally smooth and efficient. Their prompt and clear communication greatly facilitated the submission and review process. The reviewing process itself was rigorous yet constructive. I appreciated the thoroughness of the reviewers and the insightful feedback provided in their reports. It is evident that the Journal of Governance and Regulation is dedicated to maintaining high editorial standards. Overall, my interactions with the Journal of Governance and Regulation have been marked by professionalism and a commitment to excellence. I am more than happy to contribute to the annual transparency policy and provide a testament to the positive and supportive environment fostered by the publisher”.
- Shkumbin Misini, Faculty of Economics, AAB College, Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo: “I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your prompt and informative communication throughout the reviewing process of manuscripts in the Journal of Governance and Regulation. Your clear and timely updates have been invaluable in keeping me informed about the progress of my submission. I appreciate the deduction and efficiency of the editorial team in managing the review process. It has been a positive and constructive experience for me. Their comments and suggestions have greatly enriched the quality of my papers. The detailed reviewing report provided a clear understanding of the strengths and areas for improvement in my manuscripts”.
- Maria Oluyeju, Webber Wentzel Attorneys, Johannesburg, South Africa: “It was a great experience working with the team at the Journal of Governance and Regulation. They are the most responsive team I have worked with and their reviewing process is straightforward. They also provide excellent guidance. I look forward to working with them again to publish another article”.
- Thanh Tam Le, National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam: “I would like to convey my sincere appreciation and enjoyment of having a great chance to send our paper to and to get accepted by the Journal of Governance and Regulation. You truly made the process of publishing in a recognized journal incredibly impressive with high quality. With your quick responses to emails, it was very simple and efficient to communicate with you. The reviewers’ excellent quality and efficiency in producing the peer review report made my paper’s review and publication stand out. Thank you so much for all of your hard work and efficiency”.
- Muhammad Wahyuddin Abdullah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia: “Managing editor of the Journal of Governance and Regulation is particularly commendable for their welcoming approach and swift responses, fostering an environment of support and efficiency for authors. This level of engagement is a significant asset, especially in the high-pressure world of academic publishing. Additionally, the guide highlights the expertise of the reviewers involved, emphasizing their deep knowledge and experience in the respective fields of the submitted articles. Such experienced reviewers not only ensure a high standard of critique and feedback but also contribute to the overall enhancement of the research quality. The guide adeptly covers these aspects, making it an invaluable tool for researchers aiming to publish in JGR Journal. Its focus on positive editor interactions and skilled reviewers makes it a standout in the realm of academic publishing guides”.
- Samar Jamal Hassan Mahmoud, Faculty of Ocean Engineering Technology and Informatics, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Kuala Nerus, Malaysia: “My experience with you was very wonderful and excellent and I was happy to work with you. Your performance is very fast and very excellent. We appreciate your kind cooperation with me. I hope to work with you in the future”.
Feedback from reviewers:
- Dr. Laurent Cappelletti, Professor of Management Control at CNAM, France: “I confirm that the communication with the Editorial team was clear. In particular I received all the necessary information with regard to the review. To me, the review process is decent enough and the time frame devoted to the review is sufficient to perform the evaluation of the papers.”
- Dr. Goran Kovachev, Macedonian Bank for Development Promotion, Macedonia: “It was a great pleasure to be part of the Journal of Governance and Regulation’s reviewing team. I had the honor to review excellent papers with extraordinary support of the Editorial Board. Clear and accurate requirements and on-time responses was a value-added to the Board. The anonymity of the manuscripts stresses the process objectivity which is crucial during reviewing. I would be glad if this collaboration continues in future.”
- Dr. Brian S. Davis, Associate Professor of Finance, The Pennsylvania State University, the USA: "It was a sincere pleasure to act as a reviewer for the Journal of Governance and Regulation. As a reviewer, I found the process to be detailed in scope, with clear guidelines for a rigorous, concise and comprehensive process for evaluating manuscripts. The administrative team was always helpful in terms of support and more than reasonable expectations regarding deadlines and guidelines for the reviewer. It was a pleasure to be involved in the process and found the submissions to be of high quality. I sincere hope to be a part of the Journal going forward."
- Dr. Valeria Stefanelli, Università del Salento, Italy: "I’m a reviewer of the Journal. I really appreciate the refereeing process, the information provided and the time granted for the evaluation of the paper".
- Dr. Bashar H. Malkawi, Dean and Professor of law, College of Law, University of Sharjah, UAE: "I have had the honor of serving as an external reviewer for manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Governance and Regulation. The review process is rigorous and meets the highest standards of professionalism. The identities of the reviewers and authors remain anonymous. The editor asks the reviewer to base his/her recommendation on whether the article presents a clear thesis and whether it provides, among other things, a meaningful contribution to the fields. I am very proud to see articles published in the journal being widely read and cited. I highly encourage researchers to consider for the Journal of Governance and Regulation for their manuscripts."
- Dr. Marina Nehme, Director of Learning and Teaching, Faculty of Law, UNSW Law, Australia: “It was a pleasure to review a paper for the Journal of Governance and Regulation. The requirement for reviewing the paper were clear. The form used was simple and to the point. It covered key issues that referees usually comment on. The communication with the team was very good. The timeframe for review was also generous.”
- Prof. Andrea Sacco Ginevri, Full Professor of Economic Law at the International Telematic University “UNINETTUNO”, Rome, Italy: “I am very pleased to act as a Reviewer for the Journal of Governance and Regulation. In my opinion, the reviewing process is very efficient and well-organized thanks to the Editor’s great responsiveness and to the support offered by the entire editorial team. In addition, even if quite fast, the whole process is accurate and guarantees high-quality standards. In particular, the criteria and guidelines identified in the “Reviewer’s Report” are rigorous, concise and comprehensive and allow the Reviewer to evaluate in detail each paper. I really appreciate this experience and I wish to cooperate with the Journal also in the future".
- Harit Satt, Assistant Professor of Finance and Accounting, School of Business Administration, Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco: “It was my great pleasure working as a member of the editorial team for the journal of Governance and Regulation. All stakeholders are of a high level of integrity, professionalism and responsiveness. The review process goes smooth and clear, from receiving the initial manuscript, to the reviewed draft. Besides the journal of governance and regulations, I am working with Virtus Interpress on other outlets, it is always a real pleasure”.
- Dr. Neale J Slack, Fiji National University, Fiji: “I was previously requested, and with pleasure accepted, to review one manuscript submitted to the Journal of Governance and Regulation. From the initial request to become a reviewer for Virtus Interpress, and throughout all stages of the review process, I have found the Senior Managing Editor to be polite, prompt, concise and informative in her communications. This has made the review process less complex for me as a reviewer. Additionally, the review process is simplified by a self-explanatory manuscript review template, that also allows for comprehensive feedback and suggestions by the reviewer to the author(s). The quick manuscript review turnaround time expected by the journal is important, as feedback and suggestions are promptly provided to the author(s). I also attest to the diligence and impartiality of reviewers in the review process. It is on this basis that I welcome the opportunity to review additional manuscripts submitted to this journal. I also highly recommend author(s) to submit their manuscripts in governance and regulation to this journal”.
- Dr. Shab Hundal, Senior Lecturer, JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland: “It is my utmost pleasure to be affiliated with the Journal of Governance and Regulation as the external reviewer. I have no hesitation to say that the review process of the journal is not only transparent and streamlined but also maintaining the highest standards of professionalism. However, I must mention that the core emphasis of the journal is to publish high-quality research that is rigorous, relevant, and interesting. As a reviewer of the journal, I enjoy full autonomy. I receive immense cooperation from the managing editor and other support staff of the journal. The best part of the journal is the amount of ‘care’ that the journal provides to the authors. The journal leaves no stone unturned in increasing the readership of the research articles. I strongly recommend researchers, especially those at the early phase of their academic career, to consider the Journal of Governance and Regulation to publish their manuscripts”.
- Prof. Tariq H. Ismail, Professor and Head of the Accounting Department, Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University, Egypt: “Virtus Interpress plays an important role in the publishing industry; it opens an avenue for researchers across the world to have their work published in esteems and ranked journals. As a reviewer for the Journal of Governance and Regulations, I encourage researchers to submit manuscripts for possible publications. Journals’ response time is reasonable as well as reviewers’ comments are constructive. The editorial team of the journal is supportive and manages the publication process in a very professional manner. Based on my long experience in the field of scientific publications as an author, reviewer, and editorial board member for a quite number of International top tier journals, I can say that Virtus Intrerpress should be referred to as an interdisciplinary global publishing house. It has succeeded in bringing scholars together from all around the globe to provide its combination of theory, as well as its empirical and comparative investigations. The Journal of Governance and Regulation supports young scholars of those in less advantaged academic settings while providing a unique opportunity for those who are seeking to make a small difference through their work and contribute to the research’ value creation”.
- Dr. Magdi El-Bannany, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, the UAE: “I would like to thank the editorial board of Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition journal for choosing me to act as a reviewer for the Journal of Governance and Regulation. It is an honor to act as a reviewer for a Scimago recognized ranking Journal. This recognition reflects that the journal is adopting an internationally accepted reviewing process. The structure template sent by the journal to the reviewer makes the reviewing process an enjoyable task as it determines exactly what is expected to be done by the reviewer within a specific time framework”.