Co-creating value and its impact on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: A banking sector perspective
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The application of co-creation is important and traditionally proves that banks that offer products and services without taking into account the opinions and recommendations of customers have the opportunity to remain focused on the bank and not be successful (Keshavarz & Jamshidi, 2018). In many organizations, especially those dealing with services, customer satisfaction is considered a challenge. Customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty and a loyal customer is a constant source of revenue, and satisfied customers do not focus on replacement products found on the market. From this, we conclude that customer satisfaction increases loyalty and reduces opposition to the products and services that the company offers (Jaakkola, Helkkula, & Aarikkula-Stenroos, 2015). This study aims to measure the impact of co-creation value through the DART (dialogue, access, risk assessment, and transparency) model on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The method used to answer the research questions is the quantitative method, where data were collected through primary research; the population of this study is the customers of all commercial banks in Kosovo, where the sample was 300 customers of randomly selected banks. Based on the research results, referring to Spearman’s rho correlation we conclude that co-creation with customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are in direct proportion. According to the ordinary least squares (OLS) model, we conclude that co-creation affects customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Through this research, banking structures have the opportunity to increase customer satisfaction and create loyalty to customers through the co-creation process, strengthening its components such as dialogue, access, risk assessment, and transparency.
Keywords: Co-creation, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, Banking System
Authors’ individual contribution: The Author is responsible for all the contributions to the paper according to CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) standards.
Declaration of conflicting interests: The Author declares that there is no conflict of interest.
JEL Classification: G24, M31
Received: 17.03.2022
Accepted: 07.10.2022
Published online: 10.10.2022
How to cite this paper: Pula, F. (2022). Co-creating value and its impact on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: A banking sector perspective. Journal of Governance & Regulation, 11(4), 179–190. https://doi.org/10.22495/jgrv11i4art17