Educational support in digital entrepreneurship for university students in business programs: A university governance study
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Universities need to develop specific programs to promote digital entrepreneurship, therefore, it is necessary to understand the factors that explain students’ intentions regarding digital entrepreneurship and to have a detailed knowledge of whether and how the university promotes entrepreneurship through the campus and virtual events (Alvarez-Risco et al., 2021). The objective of the study was to determine the impact of educational support on the digital entrepreneurship of university students in business programs. The deductive method of an explanatory level was used, with a non-experimental design. As a result, it was obtained that curricular content support has a considerable positive influence (β = 4.550), extracurricular content support has a considerable positive influence (β = 2.388), technological support has a considerable positive influence (β = 3.553), governmental support of the country has no positive influence (β = 0.572), and digital entrepreneurship competencies have a very considerable positive influence (β = 40.050). In conclusion, the impact of educational support on digital entrepreneurship of university students of business programs is given by efficient curricular and extracurricular programs, with effective information and communication technology (ICT) support.
Keywords: Digital Entrepreneurship, Digital Competencies, Curricular Content, Technological Support, Governmental Support, Entrepreneurial Intention
Authors’ individual contribution: Conceptualization — W.V.-R., G.I.-C., and T.M.-F.; Methodology — G.I.-C.; Formal Analysis — W.V.-R.; Data Curation — T.M.-F.; Writing — Original Draft — G.I.-C.; Writing — Review & Editing — W.V.-R.
Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
JEL Classification: I23, L26
Received: 19.01.2024
Accepted: 20.09.2024
Published online: 24.09.2024
How to cite this paper: Vicente-Ramos, W., Idone-Cordova, G., & Mendoza-Farro, T. (2024). Educational support in digital entrepreneurship for university students in business programs: A university governance study. Journal of Governance & Regulation, 13(4), 54–62. https://doi.org/10.22495/jgrv13i4art6