Empowering non-governmental organization representatives: Enhancing collaborative and participatory governance through training initiatives
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This research article explores the impact of training programs on non-governmental organization (NGO) representatives, aiming to foster collaborative and participatory governance within the non-governmental sector. NGOs increasingly influence decision-making and the implementation of social programs through training programs designed for NGO workers, contributing to the creation of a sustainable and active civil society. Encouraging partners to actively share their knowledge and expertise is key to maintaining integration, trust, and equality in decision-making. This approach ensures greater integration, trust, and equality in decision-making. Ultimately, joint management and planning will only improve over time (Calò et al., 2024). The study employed a mixed-methods approach, combining a survey conducted among 225 NGOs with secondary data analysis of education programs designed specifically for NGOs. The findings highlight the crucial role of training initiatives in equipping NGO representatives with the necessary skills, knowledge, and mindset to effectively engage in collaborative decision-making processes and promote inclusive governance practices. Through the analysis of survey responses and examination of education program outcomes, key factors contributing to successful capacity-building efforts are identified, including tailored training content, interactive learning methodologies, and ongoing support mechanisms. The research provides insights into the significance of investing in training programs for NGO representatives and offers practical recommendations for designing effective training initiatives that can enable the development of collaborative and participatory governance within the NGO sector.
Keywords: State Bodies, NGO, Governance, Decision-Making Process, Collaboration, Learning
Authors’ individual contribution: Conceptualization — B.B. and G.U.; Methodology — B.B. and G.U.; Writing — Original Draft — B.B. and G.U.; Writing — Review & Editing — B.B. and G.U.; Investigation —B.B., G.U., and G.B.; Resources — G.U. and U.B.
Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
JEL Classification: J18, G28, G58, L38
Received: 22.12.2023
Accepted: 12.06.2024
Published online: 14.06.2024
How to cite this paper: Bokayev, B., Utepova, G., Baktiyarova, G., & Baitassova, U. (2024). Empowering non-governmental organization representatives: Enhancing collaborative and participatory governance through training initiatives [Special issue]. Journal of Governance & Regulation, 13(2), 419–430. https://doi.org/10.22495/jgrv13i2siart17