New issue of the Corporate Ownership and Control journal

We are glad to introduce you the new issue (volume 17, issue 1) of the journal represented by the scholars from the USA, Hungary, Canada, France, Libya, Ghana, Switzerland, Germany, Egypt, the UAE, Italy. The papers therein discuss a broad variety of topics, including accrual and real earnings management, board of directors’ characteristics, mandatory disclosure of non-financial information, digital transformation strategies of firm leaders, post-adoption effect of alternative performance measures’ guidelines, corporate controlling system expectations, quality of governance frameworks and practices, strategic dividend decisions, network governance, and compliance management. The full issue of the journal is available at the following link.

Ahmed B. A. Boghdady conducted a comparative analysis of accrual and real activity earnings management in state-owned versus privately-held enterprises in Egypt using a large sample of non-financial entities over the 2010-2017 period.

Ehab R. Elbahar assessed how different features of the board of directors influence the performance of financial institutions operating in the Gulf region. The investigation was accomplished on the basis of a sample of 16 Islamic and 52 non-Islamic banks over the 2013–2017 period.

Cristian Carini, Laura Rocca, Monica Veneziani, and Claudio Teodori conducted an exploratory analysis of mandatory non-financial reporting by oil and gas companies following the enforcement of the relevant European Union directive. The authors provided additional empirical evidence of the effectiveness of regulatory policies in disciplining the reporting behaviour of organizations.

Hugh Grove, Mac Clouse, and Tracy Xu approached to develop strategies for companies to find effective ways to deal with multiple challenges of emerging technological advances instead of being threatened by artificial intelligence, gentrification, and other new technologies.

The next article of Vincenzo Foglia Manzillo, Alessandro Giannozzi, Gianluca Vittorioso, and Oliviero Roggi analyzes the effect of the European Guidelines on Alternative Performance Measures using a sample of listed small and medium-sized firms.

Veronika Fenyves and Tibor Tarnóczi took an alternative approach to study professional expectations that the labour market places on controllers. The authors conclude that controllers are expected to possess accounting, finance and business-specific activity knowledge as well as logical thinking and context-dependent analytical skills.

Sylvie Berthelot, Michel Coulmont, and Yves Levant provided empirical evidence on the relationship between quality and cost of governance practices in Canada. In their research, they focused on the compensation packages of corporate leaders across different sectors of the national economy.

Simona Fiandrino, Fabio Rizzato, Donatella Busso, and Alain Devalle researched the topic of the mandatory disclosure of non-financial information in the specific context of Italian stock markets, where organizations frequently adopt pyramidal structures and exhibit high levels of ownership concentration.

The investigation conducted by Ali A. Zagoub is devoted to the governance frameworks and models in emerging markets. The author analyzed the advancements made in corporate governance initiatives in Libya and concluded that developments in the area were still in their embryonic stage.

Paul Adjei Onyina and Daniel Kojo Gyanor evaluated the extent to which various corporate governance practices affect the performance of firms listed on the stock exchange in Ghana. The scholars suggested that decision makers need to rigorously revise extant governance practices in the country to boost their effectiveness.

Mark Bertus, John S. Jahera Jr., and Keven Yost approached to identify the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on the association between governance metrics and strategic dividend decisions and reported that the Act altered the governance–dividend relationship, by eliminating the role outside directors and shareholders’ rights play in explaining firms’ dividend payouts.

Roberto Moro Visconti placed network governance at the centre of analysis and identified relevant pathways for connected stakeholders to engage in collaborative undertakings, that promote decentralization, disintermediation, and sustainability.

Stefan Behringer, Patrick Ulrich, and Anjuli Unruh performed a systematic literature review on compliance in family firms and pointed for the need of additional empirical studies on compliance and ethical behavior in family-run organizations.

We hope that reading this issue will be pleasant and informative for you!