The policy of gender mainstreaming in fishing communities for poverty reduction

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Ani Purwanti ORCID logo, Muh. Afif Mahfud ORCID logo, Kadek Cahya Susila Wibawa ORCID logo, Aga Natalis ORCID logo

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This study aims to find out the policy of gender mainstreaming for women in the fishery sector (Guzman & Kacperczyk, 2019). Women are placed at the bottom of the occupational hierarchy despite women having a significant role in this sector (Szymkowiak, 2020). This study uses qualitative analysis with secondary data which are analyzed by content analysis. The results obtained in this study are as follows. National and regional laws on the fishery sector in Indonesia related to gender mainstreaming is still partial because this is only related to the empowerment aspect. Meanwhile, the protection sphere of the fisherwoman has not been included. This restricts woman’s access to several facilities namely fishing instrument (fishing boat), fishing cultivation equipment (fishing hatchery), marketing (cool chain), and packaging facility. This condition makes fisherwomen live in poverty and makes the gender gap still exist in this sector. This condition will be a vicious circle if there is no policy change in the Indonesian government. So, it is necessary for the government to review the bias gender policy in fishery regulation.

Keywords: Gender Mainstreaming, Feminist Legal Analysis, Poverty Reduction, Fisherwomen, State Regulation

Authors’ individual contribution: Conceptualisation — A.P. and K.C.S.W.; Methodology — M.A.M. and A.N.; Formal Analysis — A.P.; Resources — K.C.S.W.; Writing — Original Draft — A.P.; Writing — Review & Editing — M.A.M.; Supervision — A.N.; Project Administration — A.P.

Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

Acknowledgements: The Authors give their gratitude to Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia, for supporting this research.

JEL Classification: K23, K38, J08, J16, J18, D04

Received: 27.03.2022
Accepted: 07.11.2022
Published online: 10.11.2022

How to cite this paper: Purwanti, A., Mahfud, M. A., Wibawa, K. C. S., & Natalis, A. (2022). The policy of gender mainstreaming in fishing communities for poverty reduction [Special issue]. Journal of Governance & Regulation, 11(4), 267–276.