The role of culture on the adoption of International Standards on Auditing in the developing countries: An institutional perspective

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Ahmed Eltweri ORCID logo, Alessio Faccia ORCID logo, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere ORCID logo

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This paper examines the role played by the culture on the adoption of the International Standards on Auditing (referred to as ISA henceforth) that intends to stimulate establishing an efficient auditing regime in Libyan auditing practice. The current research conducted interviews with 43 participants across five Libyan key stakeholders in the auditing environment. The methodology employed was in line with the relevant literature and it serves to achieve the aims and to answer the questions of this study (Ménacère, 2016). Institutional isomorphism produces a greater impact on Libya accounting and auditing practices (Phillips & Jiao, 2016). Therefore, this study examines that the cultural factor systematically and consistently assesses the level of ISA adoption, commitment, and associated harmonisation. Given the growing interest in harmonising the auditing practice, not only by scholars but also by policy and decision-makers, this study is aimed at contributing to improve and develop an under-researched topic in Africa, by expanding the literature on the importance of harmonising auditing practices. It also provides fresh insights into auditing practices in a politically unstable country. Awareness is also raised about other relevant drivers of adopting ISA.

Keywords: Culture, International Standards on Auditing, Auditing Environment, Institutional Theory, Developing Countries

Authors’ individual contribution: Conceptualization – A.E.; Methodology – A.E.; Investigation – A.E. and A.F.; Resources – A.E., A.F., and L.P.L.C; Writing – A.E. and A.F.; Supervision – A.F.

Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

JEL Classification: M42, H83, R11, O23, Q56

Received: 06.12.2020
Accepted: 14.01.2021
Published online: 15.01.2021

How to cite this paper: Eltweri, A., Faccia, A., & Cavaliere, L. P. L. (2020). The role of culture on the adoption of International Standards on Auditing in the developing countries: An institutional perspective. Journal of Governance & Regulation, 9(4), 162-171.