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This paper discuss good governance model for conflict resolution around water tourism area in Indonesia. This paper developed structural factors that influence water tourism such as the population, economic development, regional generated revenue, real-time sector revenue, poverty rates, and water management which is the focus of the study affected the rising of the water conflict. This study is field research qualitative study. The objects in this research are water tourism stakeholders which are composed of three different water tourism management in Karanganyar, Central Java, Indonesia, namely Grojogan Sewu, Jumog and Peblengan. This study conducted in Karanganyar as a district that has a natural beauty with huge potential to further develop its natural attractions. The data sampling is done by observation and interview. From the result of this study it can be concluded that (1) there needs to be a clear explanation for the villagers near the water tourism area that the natural resources of water needs to be preserved and used moderately ; (2) a communication needs to be established between the stakeholders and those using the water resource, for the sake of the villagers’ welfare as well as the economic improvement; (3) the government, both the regional government as well as the central government need to make regulation to keep the condition of the nature without ignoring the possibility of conflict ensuing because of water usage by the villagers; (4) increasing the role of the villagers in managing the water resource so that there will be no prolonged conflict in the future.
Keywords: Conflict Resolution, Water Tourism, Good Tourism Governance, Indonesia
How to cite this paper: Rohmad, Z., Probohudono, A. N., Wardojo, W. W., & Wibowo, A. (2016). Water tourism conflict resolution through good governance (story from Indonesia). Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 12(1), 45-52. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbv12i1art5