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Article processing charge
Article processing charge (APC)
In publishing our journals we adhere to the Budapest Open Access Initiative. According to the OA model of journals publication, the published work is distributed freely without any limits or payments from the readers to as wider audience as possible. We believe that this approach provides the best opportunities and conditions for the research to make the biggest impact on the academic community. At the same time, we aim to remove barriers for high-quality research coming from low-income countries to be published in the international journals. Thus we do not request authors to make any payment while they submit their papers to our journal. During the review process, the authors receive a feedback on their papers from the peer reviewers and have an opportunity to make their manuscripts better even if they decide to publish it elsewhere. Our reviewers and editors are completely independent in terms of making the decision on acceptance or rejection of the articles and are driven solely by the academic quality of the manuscripts.
When the paper is accepted for publication and the authors decide to proceed with publishing their paper in the journal, certain costs occur. For example, when a manuscript is submitted, it is processed through the many different teams at Virtus Interpress:
- The editorial screening team, who perform initial technical and ethical checks (including Editors and Editorial Assistants).
- The executive editorial team, responsible for coordinating the review process with the journal’s Editorial Board and external
reviewers. - The editorial quality assurance team, responsible for a final check to ensure that the manuscript and its review process meet the journal’s
policies and specific guidelines before paper acceptance. - The production team, converting the manuscript to a journal style typeset paper.
- The proofing team, managing the proofing process.
- The indexing and archiving team, managing with relevant index and archiving services related to the particular journal.
- The support team, involved in answering any questions throughout the publishing.
- The dissemination of the published papers both to the journal international scholarly network and wider audiences, investing in initiatives to promote the published research and maximizing the research impact.
All teams, mentioned above, work with our marketing, communications, and technical personnel to ensure your article receives the appropriate attention. As we are adhering to the Budapest OA Initiative, we are obliged to distribute published works without any limits and fees. This means that publication costs should be covered by those individuals and institutions that benefit most directly from a paper’s publication. We offer the authors and their institutions to cover the cost of publication of the manuscripts by transferring the APC. Part of the APC is reinvested into the technical systems that support these services to meet the expectations of authors, reviewers, readers and other stakeholders. Also, a hard copy of an issue can be requested by the corresponding author.
The APC is EUR 840.
Amount: 840 EUR