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Feedback from stakeholders
Virtus Interpress transparency initiative was launched a couple of years ago. In this section, we provide (and continuously update) feedback from our stakeholders: authors and reviewers. To read feedback from reviewers, please scroll the page down.
Feedback from the authors:
- Dr. Marcia Jackson, School of Economics and Finance, Queensland University of Technology, Australia: My thoughts on the professionalism at Virtus InterPress: I, Marcia Jackson can emphatically attest to the concerted effort of responsibility put out by the team at Virtus InterPress to aspiring publishers. I had my first interaction with Editor assistant Anna Shcherbak. The communication was highly professional and encouraging for an aspirant like me. The operating model used by Virtus InterPress is one that is very transparent as the terms and conditions are clearly outlined. As well there are constant references to the website, with links provided to clarify concerns. When I submitted my paper, the waiting period was reasonable and the feedback was favourable. Thus without hesitation, I would greatly recommend Virtus InterPress to other corporate governance authors.
- Dr. Yusuf Nulla, University of Liverpool, UK: My experience, as an author, journey of communication from manuscript submission through publication in the journal, Corporate Board: role, duties, and composition, with the editorial team, had been professional throughout. The journal staff and chief editor were approachable and serious towards the quality and journal focus. The review of my article was completed based on the established guidelines and I was informed on timely basis through structured forms. After the final acceptance of my paper, the editorial staff, liaising closely with me to ensure all the publication information were correct and the content and style of presentation in the article were consistent with the final version. I found the Reviewers were good at grasping the main themes of my article and appreciated my literature contribution. Overall, the journal policies and processes demonstrated the discipline of due diligence throughout my journey of authorship with this journal."
- Dr. Zeleke Worku, Professor, Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) Business School, South Africa: I am sending you this letter appreciation in order to express my sincere appreciation on the quality of professional services that you have provided to students and academic staff of Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) Business School in Pretoria, South Africa. We wish to thank for taking the time to complete the scientific and editorial review of research manuscripts that were submitted to the following journals on the IBSS list: Corporate Ownership and Control Journal; Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition Journal; Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets and Institutions Journal; Journal of Governance and Regulation. Please keep up the good work that you have done in the past. Mr. Solomon Khale, one of my DTech students at TUT Business School, has benefited significantly from your professional leadership and mentorship in the course of working on the valuable comments and inputs that you have given him. We value and appreciate your scholarly inputs, intellectual leadership, scientific insights and technical suggestions. We will be looking forward to working with you in the year 2016.
- Dr. Andresa Jansson, LNU, Sweden: "My experience of contributing to the journal (Corporate Board) as an author is very positive. The manuscripts are swiftly processed. My impression was that I was sufficiently informed about what stage the manuscript was in throughout the process. Moreover, communication with the editorial staff also worked very well. Overall, I am impressed by the responsiveness of the journal’s staff and editor."
- Dr. Peter Agyemang-Mintah, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku, Finland: “I recently sent a paper to the Corporate Board; role, duties and composition journal and I got quick feedback from two independent anonymous reviewers who were able to give thorough feedback on my paper. The reviewed process helps me to amend my paper and to be accepted in the above journal. The journal secretary and the chief editor were in constant touch with me to ensure that the paper is reviewed and resubmitted according to the journal standard. The Chief editor and the secretary were constantly providing feedback on the state of my paper to me. I must say that I received 100% customer satisfaction when I send my paper to the above journal. I recommend the journal to any one who is in that field as they are guaranteed positive, thorough and detailed feedback on their paper”.
- Dr. Dea’a Al-Sraheen, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Jordan: "I published my research paper recently in Corporate Role, Duties and Composition. I would like to thank all teams in this Journal, because they work efficiently and correctly. The communications with the Editor of the journal are fast and simple. The answers are comprehensive and clear. As for reviewing stage: the comments of the reviewer are relevant and contribute positively in adding a good knowledge of the research by the referee. The reviewers’ reports were well organized and it were available on time. The journal has a high rank among the international Journals and its highly respected."
- Dr. Nidhi Pandey, NET, MBA, CTE (IGNOU), Associate Professor, VVIS, Hyderabad, India: "It was an honour for me that my research paper was selected to be published in the journal Corporate Board: role, duties and composition. The reply was prompt and courteous regarding the changes which needed to be incorporated. It was an amazing experience to be touch with intellectuals who in spite of being busy took time to answer my queries. The review report was apt with clear cut guidelines regarding flaws. Monetary transaction too was smoothly done with transparency. In nutshell I can proudly say that the experience was wonderful and in future I would certainly like my research paper to be published again."
- Dr. Boya Kgaugelo, UNISA, South Africa: "My experience with the journal Corporate Board: role, duties and composition has been a pleasant one. The degree of diligence is second to none. There is always a quick response to enquiries. Care and time is taken to provide me with a compressive reviews’ report(s). Furthermore the editor knows how to manage my expectations. The communication is always clear and unambiguous. The paper promotes academic integrity-which is a scare resource within our scholarly space. I thus wholeheartedly recommend it for any scholar seeking publish in a quality journal."
- Dr. Adil EL Fakir, Senior Lecturer in Finance, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, UK: “I published twice with Virtus Interpress. The team is very professional. The reviewing process is robust. I recently published in the Corporate Board journal. I had my paper reviewed several times before the final publication. The feedback was very constructive and the waiting period is reasonable. I would highly recommend Virtus Interpress to other authors.”
- Dr. Alkiviadis Karagiorgos, Associate Educational Personnel, Department of Accounting, School of Business, University of Nicosia, Cyprus: "Having the honour to collaborate with the team of the Corporate Board journal, I can express my satisfaction, and praise their professionalism and quality of work. The managing editor of the journal was more than helpful and eager to answer to all my questions and offer assistance. For that, I want to sincerely express my gratitude towards Miss Kateryna Huryna. Furthermore, the reviewing process was careful and insightful. The comments I was given were not only accurate but also improved my research, through innovative scopes and implementations. Finally, I should not neglect to complement the Journal and its team regarding the vital element of time. As researchers, we had an efficient amount to go through with the reviewers’ comments while all communications and procedures were swift and comprehensive. We hope for the opportunity to work again with them in the future.”
- Frank Gyimah Sackey, Catholic University College of Ghana, Ghana: “I wish to give my personal views with regard to the publishing processes with the Corporate Board Journal. I wish to state the overall processes were excellent. The communications we had with the Managing Editor of the journal was very cordial and swift in response. The Editors’ responses to authors’ concerns were detailed and met the authors’ expectations. The contents of the reviewers’ reports were concise, precise with no ambiguity and these helped the authors to effectively deal with the comments and concerns raised.”
- Dr. Garefalakis Alexandros, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece: “The quality publications of Virtus Interpress are diverse and topnotch. The reply was prompt and courteous regarding the changes which needed to be incorporated. I thus wholeheartedly recommend it for any scholar seeking to publish in a quality journal.”
- Dr. George Drogalas, University of Macedonia, Greece: “From my experience, I was more than content with the professional work the Corporate Board Journal had to offer. Our cooperation with the managing editor of the Journal, Miss Huryna was proven productive and targeted towards quality. The same could be told for the reviewing process. The comments given, regarding our manuscript, were comprehensive, of high academic quality and secured the enrichment of our research. The replies from the Journal were prompt and accurate, balancing time and quality, always respectful of the researchers’ work and effort.“
- Dr. Ioannis P. Gkliatis, Hertfordshire Business School, University of Hertfordshire, UK: “My experience of publishing to the "Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition” has been overall very positive. The whole process was transparent and relatively quick which is an important aspect for authors trying to get their work published. The whole team was very professional and the feedback received from the reviewers very constructive that indeed led to an improved version of the paper submitted. Communication with the editors and journal staff has been reliable and quick. I would recommend anyone to try to publish through Virtus Interpress as the whole experience has been very positive.”
- Tracy Xu, Reiman School of Finance, University of Denver, the USA: “The entire review and publication processes were excellent. The reviews were thorough, prompt, and very helpful, not slow and/or antagonistic like some other journals. The publication process with the managing editor was very efficient. The entire process was always completed in a very timely manner”.
- Felice Matozza, Department of Political Studies, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy: “The work was soonly sent to the reviewers. The selection of the reviewers by the co-editors was appropriate as it improved the discussion of the results of the work. The reviews were rapid. I was also satisfied with the fast online publication after acceptance. The publishers also reviewed my article after the final acceptance”.
- Pedro B. Água, Naval Academy Faculty, and AESE Business School Senior Teaching Fellow, Portugal: “Publishing with Virtus Interpress has been a rewarding partnership. Contrasting with other publishing houses, Virtus effectively supports authors on their journey from initially submitted texts up to a fine tunned article. The review process is rigorous, while the approach is constructive. The Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition journal’s Editor has always been present, supporting the author in order to overcome any issues, something that is not a given everywhere. Virtus team truly supports their contributing authors and create a feeling of closeness. Moreover, as the business world starts realizing that perhaps governance is the ultimate responsible layer, not only for business but societies at large, the scope of such journal becomes even more relevant. In particular, the diversity of subjects covered within the scope of such journal is as broad as the real business world. A one of a kind”.
- Le Chen, University for Foreigners “Dante Alighieri”, Reggio Calabria, Italy: “Our paper "The impact of IT governance wisdom on board decision-making: A perspective of the philosophy of The Art of War" was published in the journal Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition on August 6, 2021. Its successful publication is inseparable from the admirable dedication and hearty support of managing editor and reviewer of the journal. It is due to the rigorous reviewing process and valuable review comments that we can make further progress. For this, we would like to once again express our most sincere gratitude. Importantly, we believe that in the future, Virtus Interpress and Virtus GCCG will continue to work with scholars from all academic fields to achieve the good faith cooperation hand in hand and to create greater glories”.
- Dean Blomson, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia: “Firstly, I found the level of support and interest from Olha Lytvynenko to be exceptional and her professionalism was outstanding. The communications were friendly, clear and effective about requirements, the processes steps, etc. Second, the feedback from the independent reviewers was constructive and helpful and their turnaround time was quick. Third, the review checking and iterating back and forth with Daryna Chorna was really easy and super-efficient. The various changes to the draft came back to me quickly, clearly marked up for checking or with clear, clarifying questions and suggestions (right down to tightening the bibliography). The communication was clear and helpful. Lastly, I felt like this was a process where it was not me being left to my own devices to develop the final version – I was supported in a helpful, constructive and hyper-efficient way”.
- Ilaria Galavotti, Department of Economic and Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Law, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza-Milan, Italy: “My publishing experience with the journal Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition has been extremely positive. The managing editor of the journal has always been highly supportive and communications were clear, transparent, and timely. Furthermore, I was very positively impressed by the efficient and accurate reviewing process, which provided insightful and constructive comments on my paper. Overall, I honestly praise the reliability and the high-quality standard of the journal and would strongly recommend it. For sure, I will rely on Virtus Interpress journals also for future publications”.
- Hugh Grove, School of Accountancy, University of Denver, Denver, the USA: “Communications with the managing editor of this journal are always efficient, precise, and prompt. The reviewing process is also very efficient, effective, and prompt, usually within one month. The content of the reviewers’ reports is very thorough, positive, and helpful toward revising our manuscripts to reach publishable versions. This point of view about cooperation with the journal Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition is based on ten articles that my coauthors and I have published with this journal in the last three years. These conclusions also apply to other Virtus InterPress corporate governance journals where we have published 14 additional articles in the last several years”.
Feedback from the reviewers:
- Bartolomé Pascual Fuster, Universidad de las Islas Baleares, Spain: "I had sufficient time to do the revision, I could get the article and the template for the reviewer report properly, and the contact with the editorial team was correct."
- Bashar H. Malkawi, College of Law, University of Sharjah, UAE: "The Journal "Corporate Board: role, duties and composition" represents a specialized journal that focuses on important element in corporate law namely corporate boards or management. Peer review plays important role in ensuring quality publications. The journal "Corporate Board: role, duties and composition" utilizes rigorous anonymous refereeing process. External reviewers are asked to score the submission in various categories, and to provide comments and recommendations for both the Editors and for the author(s). Based on the outcome of the external review, submissions may be (a) accepted without revision, (b) provisionally accepted, with additional revision required, or (c) rejected. Very few articles are accepted without any revisions. The refereeing process normally takes around 3 weeks which ensures timely revision and publication, if applicable. The whole submission, refereeing, and publication process makes "Corporate Board: role, duties and composition" publication of high quality and attractive to authors and readers alike."
- Hossein Rahdari, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran: “The quality publications of Virtus InterPress are diverse and topnotch and I am delighted to have had the opportunity to work as a reviewer of the journal Corporate Board: role, duties and composition. Thank you for considering my opinion.”
- Jimmy Agustin Saravia Matus, University EAFIT, Colombia: “In my opinion, the journal Corporate Board: role, duties and composition has a big plus in that it responds very quickly to the authors about the decision to accept or reject their papers compared to other journals which can take a very long time. As a reviewer I value this and therefore I try to give my feedback within the deadline stipulated by the journal. It is positive that the Corporate Board is an international journal with contributors in many countries. Another plus for the journal is that it specializes in Corporate Governance, which is an important and popular topic. I believe this helps to attract the attention of a wide audience.”
- Monica Veneziani, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy: "I think that the journal Corporate Board: role, duties and composition represents a very good opportunity for publishing in important topics like Corporate Governance. The authors have the possibility to know, in a short time, the decision to accept or reject their papers compared to other journals. I think that the review template is good for helping the authors to improve their paper. The editorial team is always available, competent and punctual in the communication with referees and authors."
- Themistokles Lazarides, Technological Institute of West Macedonia, Greece: "It is always challenging to review a paper. The cooperation with the editor, the quality of the paper, the fact that there are deadlines, etc. are some of them. Virtus Interpress provide a framework of cooperation that evolves continuously and becomes better with each passing year. It is always a pleasure to review papers for the Journals of Virtus Interpess because they respect the reviewer, the author/s, and they strive for excellence."
- Dr. Salma Ibrahim, Associate Professor and Research Lead, Department of Accounting, Finance and Informatics, Kingston University, the UK: “I recently completed two reviews for ‘Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition’, a journal for which I also sit on the editorial board. The review process is quite transparent and smooth. I was assigned the review (completely anonymized) and given a specific time frame to complete the review as well as information on how to complete the review and a standard form to provide the review. The standard review form is concise yet provides opportunities to add comments and provide feedback to authors to improve their work. In one instance, I asked for an extension to complete my review which was quickly provided to me. Overall, I was very happy with the process.”
- Daniel Zeghal, PhD FCPA, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, Canada: “I am highly satisfied with my experience as a reviewer for the journal “Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition”. The journal’s editor and the team are particularly kind and very professional. I always had enough time to do the review. Most of the times, the papers I reviewed were of high quality. Also I’ve been very pleased with the authors’ collaboration and their willingness to take into consideration my comments in order to improve the quality of their paper”.
- Mel Jameson, Professor of Finance and Director of International Initiatives, UNLV Lee Business School, the USA: “I feel that the review process at Corporate Board: Role Duties and Composition works well. The information requested by reviewers is well-targeted to provide information relevant to the editorial decision. At the same time, it provides the reviewer a well-defined task that is not excessively difficult to fulfill. Communications with the managing editor have been clear and effective. Reviewing for the journal has been a positive experience”.
- Zhang Changzheng, Xi’an University of Technology, School of Economics & Management, China: “As a reviewer, I have good cooperation with the managing editor of the journal of Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition. The managing editor provides me with sufficient guidance to make the review. My review results have been respected and applied by the managing editor. The communication between the managing editor and me is effective. In the future, I would like to provide highly qualified review reports to the journal of Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition”.