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Purpose – The core objective for this study is introduce the holistic model for Islamic accountants through exploring the perspectives of Muslim scholars; Islamic sharia and AAOIFI ethical standards. The study also contributes to existing literature by exploring the main added value of Muslim accountant towards stakeholders through investigates the main roles of an Islamic accountants. Design/methodology/approach – The paper critically reviews historical debates about Islamic accounting and the characteristics and roles of Islamic accountants. The paper also explores AAOIFI ethics standards to build a holistic model for Islamic accountants. Findings – The main novel findings for the study is that, the characteristics of accountant from the Islamic view should contains personal, ethical, religion and professional qualifications which indicates the holistic approach for Islamic sharia related to Islamic accountants. There is a role for accountant towards investor’s thorough good disclosure in the annual reports and guaranty the compliance of IFI’s working with sharia. These characteristics and roles support the significance of Islamic accountant’s position in the IFI. Originality/value – The paper develops the existing research that linking the Islamic banking with Islamic accountants. The paper novel to contribute by introducing benchmark for Islamic accountants which depends on Islamic holistic model through exploring the Islamic Accountant’s characteristics, we enable academics and researchers to consider the impact of these appointment qualifications on teaching and researching international accounting issues and explore for what extent the Islamic professional’s certificates as CIPA comply with this benchmark.
Keywords: Islam, Islamic accountants, Islamic Shari, Ethical Standards and AAOIFI
How to cite this paper: El-Halaby, S., & Hussainey, K. (2015). A holistic model for Islamic accountants and its value added. Corporate Ownership & Control, 12(3-1), 164-184. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv12i3c1p5