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Feedback from stakeholders
Virtus Interpress transparency initiative was launched a couple of years ago. In this section, we provide (and continuously update) feedback from our stakeholders: authors and reviewers. To read feedback from reviewers, please scroll the page down.
Feedback from the authors:
- Dr. Marco Bigelli, University of Bologna, Italy: "Corporate Ownership and Control is a perfect journal for trying to publish a paper in a reasonable amount of time, as the review process and the communication with the journal’s editorial team are both prompt and constructive. The accepted papers address a variety of topics in the main corporate governance and finance fields making the journal a good target for a wide range of possible publication in the area".
- Prof. Dr. Marc Eulerich, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany: "Corporate Ownership and Control" offers a broad variety of Corporate Governance research. Furthermore, the whole submission and editorial process is very supportive with quick responses and fair reviews. The editors are helpful and try to answer all question from the researchers".
- Dr. Ahmed Boghdady, Zagazig University, Egypt: "My first publishing experience was with the Corporate Ownership & Control Journal and it was very positive - the editor and all staff were always very helpful and had quick answers. The review comments were very useful and constructive. I am so pleased to have had this experience".
- Dr. Nilanjan Basu, Concordia University, Canada: "The Editor of "Corporate Ownership and Control" was prompt in his communications and the review process had a quick turnaround time. Overall, I had a good experience publishing with the journal".
- Dr. Lingmin Xie, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: "I think the cooperation with Corporate Ownership and Control Journal is pleasant. You are very responsible for the reviewing process and the communication is efficient. I really appreciate your work. I expect more information and comments incorporated into the reviewers’ report in future submission".
- Phi Anh, Lecturer, University of Economics, Danang, Vietnam: "I am very happy with the reviewing process as well as the communication of the Journal. I have submitted my papers to the Corporate Ownership and Control Journal and then, I quickly received the response from the Editor to let me know that my paper is reviewing in 6 to 7 weeks".
- Rui P. N. Santos, author of “The Dynamics of Deflation in a Growing Economy”: “My interaction with the journal was very easy - editor and general staff were always very solicitous and with rapid answers. A very clear deadline was established for the submission of the paper in case this were to be published in the next issue and an average reviewing time period was also indicated at the beginning. The review by the editor happened to be very fast (although I think the editor had a first contact with the paper though an early version in SSRN) and it came with a brief report indicating a clear and objective suggestion for improvement in a part of the paper. As soon as the change was made and the paper was definitely accepted for publication I was sent a formal letter of acceptance by the Journal saying that the paper was to be published in the current year. In general, I can say there was an excellent cooperation with the Journal of Governance and Regulation".
- Dr. Patrick Velte, Professor, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany: “The journal "Corporate Ownership and Control" covers a broad range of relevant and current topics of international corporate governance research. The communication and reviewing process is professional and efficient. Also, the feedback from the editorial team and the reviewers are helpful and constructive for increasing the quality of the manuscript. The editorial board of the journal includes famous corporate governance researchers to guarantee an adequate quality".
- Dr. Hassan Hafez, American University in Kuwait, Kuwait: “I really appreciate Corporate Ownership and Control since my first approved publication was in it. The Journal is quite professional and efficient in communicating with authors; reviewing process takes always reasonable time not too long not to short to make sure that the author paper is already checked. Communicating with the editorial team is very professional and constructive especially when they receive comments in the final minute before finally publishing the paper. The referee’s report is always useful and constructive. Editorial Team are friendly and always welcoming further comments before the final print”.
- Dr. RH Mynhardt (Henry), Professor, University of South Africa, South Africa: “I really enjoy working with you and the journal, going back a good number of years now. The majority of my articles were published in Corporate Ownership and Control as their research focus and mine are the same. The cooperation is excellent and the feedback from the reviewers very valuable. I have the highest admiration for you as editor and the review process is efficient. I especially enjoyed my visit to Sumy. I also will continue to publish in your journals and speak at your conferences”.
- Dr. Kyriazopoulos Georgios, Technological Educational Institution of Western Macedonia, Greece: “The communications with the Editor of the journal is the best of all the other journals I have been cooperating with. The responsiveness of the Editor is the most immediate of the other journals I have published my papers. The reviewing process was excellent and to the point. The availability of the reviewers’ report was great and clear”.
- Dr. Virginia Bodolica, Professor, School of Business Administration, American University of Sharjah, UAE: "I have published several articles in Corporate Ownership and Control and my experience with the journal has been extremely positive. The journal has a strong editorial team and it is a well-regarded academic outlet in the field of corporate governance. The Editor of the journal is very responsive to authors’ queries while being committed to a high-level of standard of scholarly publishing. The whole publication process at Corporate Ownership and Control, starting from the initial article submission to the post-publication communication, is handled with utmost care and professionalism. As submitting authors, we are particularly sensitive to the quality of reviews we receive and turnaround times of a journal. I was very pleased to receive very constructive and useful comments from Corporate Ownership and Control reviewers within record timings, which allowed me to fully benefit from an expedited peer review process”.
- Dr. Paolo Tenuta, University of Calabria, Italy: “Communication with the editor of the journal is fast and clear. The review process is to really improve the paper. The timing of the publication are reliable and fast. The journal site is well structured and the information is clear and real”.
- Dr. Udo Braendle, Chair of Business and Economics Department, American University in Dubai, UAE: “Since more than 10 years I am regularly publishing in the Corporate Ownership and Control Journal. Over the years the Virtus Interpress team around Dr. Kostyuk has demonstrated encouragement, advice and support. Every individual of the team – starting with the editor - has been consistently friendly and constructive when dealing with submissions. I had extremely good communication with the editor at all stages of the process. The review process was very timely and the reviewers’ reports very helpful to further improve the quality of submitted articles. This is a top-notch journal! I am so pleased to have had this experience with Virtus Interpress. Thanks for the co-operation and looking to publishing with you again!”
- Dr. J Young, Professor, Finance, Risk Management & Banking, University of South Africa, South Africa: “I authored various articles on topics related to risk management and corporate governance in the Journal: Corporate Ownership and Control since 2008. During this time I can vouch for a professional approach by the Editor during my communication and requests. The excellent responsiveness and the increasing quality of the peer review reports regarding submitted articles for publication are two highly appreciated attributes of the Journal. Furthermore, the timeous publication of articles ensures that data is not outdated when published which could stimulate new ideas and topics for further research in order to add value to the international body of knowledge on related subjects”.
- Dr. Galla Salganik-Shoshan Ph.D. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel: “I and my co-author had a privilege to publish two of our research projects in the journal of Corporate Ownership and Control. We had a great experience working with this journal. The whole process - submission instructions provided on the journal website, a personal email from the editor confirming submission of our papers, time slot and form of review, preparation for publication process, and publication procedure, was highly professional, clear, informative, fast, and effective. Moreover, the journal editorial board has continued to keep us informed about upcoming events and conferences. We’ll definitely consider cooperation with the journal of Corporate Ownership and Control in the future, and warmly recommend collaboration with the journal to all of our colleagues”.
- Dr. Frans Maloa, Senior Lecturer: Department of Industrial & Organisational Psychology, College of Economic and Management Sciences, UNISA, South Africa: “Thank you so much for a productive year that I have had with the journal. This year was my first year submitting papers to the journal for consideration. What impressed me most was the acknowledgement of receipt immediately after each submission. I am very proud of the status and how the journal is ranked in the world. Before I even considered submitting my papers, I checked with the list of accredited journals as per the Department of Higher Education and Training and found the journal to be amongst those listed as being the preferred journals. I then considered other international bodies such as the Australian ABDC Journal quality list and found it to be highly ranked at level B. The ranking of the Journal inspired me to include Corporate Ownership and Control as one of my highly preferred journal for publishing my manuscripts. The fact that my papers were exposed to an international audience was even more encouraging. I have received constructive feedback. I am impressed by the fact that both of my papers were peer reviewed. The turnaround for feedback is also impressive. Receiving feedback on time enabled me to plan my time accordingly. As an academic, I like to balance between tuition and research. I did not have to wait too long for feedback to be able to start on something new. I am encouraged by the fact that my topic and niche area, which is compensation, is a relevant topic for the journal. Through the journal I am able to reach both academics and members of the corporate world. But most impressively, I am able to reach an international audience. I Like the fact that the Editor checks with the author for accuracy and confirmation of content before the paper can be published. With all that being said, I would also like to see the journal continue as a quality journal that remains listed amongst the most preferred journals for publication in the South African Department of Higher Education and Training, and beyond. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish the Editor and all the support staff of the Journal the best festive season and a successful 2016”.
- Dr. Sanjana Brijball Parumasur, Professor, College of Law and Management Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: "The Corporate Ownership and Control journal interacts with authors extremely efficiently and effectively. The Editor acknowledges receipt of the submitted manuscript within 24 hours and informs the author of the exact review process to be followed and potential time frames for review feedback. The submitted manuscript undergoes a critical review through a blind process and constructive feedback is provided in a very collegial, courteous and developmental manner. The reviewers’ report enables the author to adjust the article taking cognizance of the feedback given, thereby leading to an improved submission for publication. The journal follows strict time frames to ensure that corrections to the article are done timeously. The reporting and publication process is undertaken in an efficient, responsible and professional manner. The developmental feedback process encourages the researcher to ensure a more coherent and polished article for publication".
- Dr. Shirley Mo-Ching, Hang Seng Management College, Hong Kong: "Based on my past experience in publications and engagement in international conference supported by Virtus InterPress (since 2014), I can say the service delivery of Virtus Interpress is excellent with a good academic standing. This motivates our Centre for Corporate Sustainability and Innovations (CSSI), Hang Seng Management College, Hong Kong to become a partner with them to share good practices. On-going dialogue in mutual concerned areas of the journals have been found for the benefit of the community. And, communications with the Editors of the journals are responsive and reviewing process and availability of the reviewers’ reports are of good standard".
- Dr. Cristian Carini, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy: "The communications with the Editor of the journal are simple and fast. The communication process is intuitive and smart Responsiveness of the Editor: the answers are clear and comprehensive. Reviewing process: the observations of the reviewer are relevant and show a good knowledge of the subject by the referee. Availability of the Reviewers ’ reports: good organization and time adjustment of the paper to the comments of the referees is reasonable".
- Dr. Amarjit Gill, Edwards School of Business, The University of Saskatchewan, Canada: "Communications with the Editor of the journal: Excellent; Responsiveness of the Editor: Excellent; Reviewing process: Excellent; Availability of the reviewers’ report: Excellent; Journal publishes a very high quality research papers. Journal has major contribution in the development and distribution of new theory".
- Dr. Monica Veneziani, Professor, University of Brescia, Italy: "The communications with the Editor of the journal are simple and particularly fast.The communication process is intuitive and smart. Responsiveness of the Editor: the answers are clear and comprehensive. Reviewing process: the observations are relevant and show a good knowledge of the subject by the referees. Availability of the Reviewers ’ reports: good organization and time adjustment of the paper, in coherence with the comments by the referees, is reasonable".
- Dr. Mac Clouse, Professor of Finance, University of Denver, USA: "My co-author, Hugh Grove, and I have been publishing in Corporate Ownership and Control since 2013. All of our interaction with the editor and his staff has been professional and helpful. They respond quickly in all of our communication and answer all our questions. It is very easy to work with everyone involved with the organization. We enjoy the journal, and the conferences, because the articles and authors are from so many different countries. We learn about ownership and control issues from all over the world. It is a compliment to the Editor and his staff that they can attract this worldwide participation to their journal".
- Dr. Stéphanie Looser and Dr. Walter Wehrmeyer, University of Surrey, UK: "We, Stéphanie Looser and Walter Wehrmeyer, published “An emerging template of CSR in Switzerland” in Corporate Ownership and Control Journal, Vol. 12 No. 3, pp. 541-560. The publishing experience was very exciting. The process was amazingly efficient and effective. The contact with the editing team was very professional. By this, we want to express our gratefulness for the good cooperation. We are looking forward to further published papers in 2016!"
- Dr. Giovanna Mariani, Associate Professor of Corporate Finance, University of Pisa, Italy: "I have had the first occasion to collaborate with the team of the Corporate Ownership 3 years ago, during a conference. In this period I participated in different other conferences and I published some papers. In every situation, I revealed a positive experience. The Editor is able to react in time at every information. The review process is fast and known. Reviewers’ report contributes to refine the paper better and to reach a good level. The relation with the Journal team is very flexible, collaborative and stimulating. In the Conferences there is the opportunity to share very interesting topics and to meet excellent scholars".
- Dr. Tom Cronje, Professor, Curtin Business School, Australia: "My experience is also from an author’s side. As author and co-author to papers submitted to the Corporate Ownership and Control Journal, we received well-structured reviewer feedback, via the editor, within a reasonably short period of time. Therefore, it serves as evidence that reviewer comments and recommendations are incorporated in editorial decisions".
- Dr. Patricia Lindelwa Makoni, UNISA, South Africa: "I began my research academic career with the Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control in 2010. The feedback that an author receives from the Editorial team is constructive criticism. We are continuously learning and growing with every article submitted due to the rigorous blind peer review process that the journal uses. Authors are kept appraised at every stage of the review process, from acknowledgement of receipt of the initial manuscript by the Editor, to the very detailed reviewers’ reports, as well as expected publication date.
- Dr. Ghada Tayem, Department of Finance, School of Business, University of Jordan, Jordan: The communication with the editor of the journal was easy and I was updated with the turn around time for the review of my paper which was about 5-6 weeks which was well followed. The review comments were very helpful in the improvement of the paper. The editor was very good at responding to my queries. Overall, I had good experience interacting with the editor and I am happy to have our co-authored paper published in Corporate Ownership and Control journal".
- Dr. Umesh Sharma, University of Waikato, New Zealand: “I have published recently in Corporate Ownership and Control an article entitled "Ownership Concentration and Investment Sensitivity to Market Valuation" and I find the communication with the editor and the Journal to be timely and smooth. The Journal sets a reasonable deadline for sending back their acceptance/rejection decision and it adheres to this deadline. I made several inquiries during the decision process and they were all handled in a timely fashion. The reviewer report was constructive, clear and precise. After I responded to the reviewer comments I received the acceptance notification without delay. The editor was clear on the conditions and timing of publication and the Journal responded to all my proofreading comments. In general, I find the communication with the editor of the Journal well-ordered and the reviewing process well-organized".
- Dr. Anupam Dutta, University of Vaasa, Finland: "I have done some review process for Corporate Ownership and Control journal as well and I have tried to provide a quality report. In addition, this journal is indexed in all the sophisticated ranking systems like ABDC, ABS etc. I would, therefore, like to continue being a part of this renowned journal".
- Dr. Mawih Kareem shaker Al Ani, Dhofar University-Sultanate of Oman, Iraq: "Members in the corporate ownership and control journal are very cooperative and very helpful. You sent the response on our emails on time without any delay. Communication with the editor is effective and it has a reach information. Reviewing process is clear and efficient and the reviewer reports are accurate and in details. Really, I am very happy with you editor board and the journal".
- Dr. Rigard J Steenkamp, Professor, Department of Operations
Management, Unisa, South Africa: "Thank you for personalizing the communication to contributors of your journals, journal of Governance and Regulation, and Corporate Ownership and Control. It is my experience that your journals are known for transparency in terms of review lead time and publish ability. Some journals may take months to acknowledge submissions and providing feedback to authors. Contributors do appreciate your style
in terms of the editorial team summary of the reviewer’s report, the date of writing the reviewer’s report, stating the applicable journal and providing summarized notes of the reviewer and/or editor. This is positive because some institutions demand this if articles qualify for government subsidy. I therefore want to conclude by thanking you for your cooperation, clear and prompt communication with contributors and especially your responsiveness. This dimension of your service quality can be regarded as a strategic performance objective of your business. The availability of the reviewers’ report(s) is another distinct competency". - Dr Mohammed Naim A. Dewan, Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Australia: "I was pleased to submit and resubmit my papers for publication in the “Corporate Ownership and Control journal.” The editor of the journal was very communicative and helpful regarding paper submission process and outcome. I appreciated the constructive criticisms of the Editor and the reviewers about each of my papers. On the whole, I agreed with the reviewers comments on the papers, and I was cheered to follow their specific recommendations as closely as possible in transforming my papers into good quality journal articles. After addressing each of the editor’s and reviewers’ concerns, I was promptly responded by the editor about the outcome of the decisions. I aim to submit more good quality papers in the near future for publishing in this journal".
- Dr. Zeleke Worku, Professor, Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) Business School, South Africa: "I am sending you this letter appreciation in order to express my sincere appreciation on the quality of professional services that you have provided to students and academic staff of Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) Business School in Pretoria, South Africa. We wish to thank for taking the time to complete the scientific and editorial review of research manuscripts that were submitted to the following journals on the IBSS list: Corporate Ownership and Control Journal; Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition Journal; Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets and Institutions Journal; Journal of Governance and Regulation. Please keep up the good work that you have done in the past. Mr. Solomon Khale, one of my DTech students at TUT Business School, has benefited significantly from your professional leadership and mentorship in the course of working on the valuable comments and inputs that you have given him. We value and appreciate your scholarly inputs, intellectual leadership, scientific insights and technical suggestions. We will be looking forward to working with you in the year 2016".
- Dr. Arne Nygaard, Professor, Kristiania Business School, Norway: "Corporate ownership & Control is an excellent outlet for research on the effects of organizational economics, incentives, franchising, and other allied topics related to the separation of ownership and control. This journal has a world-class editorial board and is ranked among prestigious finance journals in the Association of Business School (ABS)- rankings. Corporate Ownership & Control are also ranked or listed in other international journal indexes. Especially, I would like to emphasize the speed and consistency in the communication with the editor. This made the time from submission to acceptance decision and print as short as possible”.
- Dr. Qingfu Chai, Lincoln Business School, University of Lincoln, UK: "I know Corporate Ownership and Control journal when I was studying PhD. Now, I am co-operating with this journal, so I am quite excited! The Editors are friendly and efficient! I understand other journals will take much longer time, which would make an ’opportunity cost’ for the authors to revise or absorb further advice. Also the editors report is very clear, which is very useful for the author to revise. For some of journals, I was confusing whether the paper is the authors’ work or the reviewers’ work. Overall, the editor of this journal is approachable, friendly and efficient!"
- Dr. Michail Pazarskis Adjunct Assistant Professor Department of Business Administration Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia Serres, Greece: “I would like to thank you for the cooperation with the journal of the Virtus Interpress “Corporate Ownership and Control”. Throughout the submission, the revision process and till the final printing of the papers which have published (with my co-authors) at this journal, there was an excellent communication and cooperation with the Editor and the rest staff of Virtus Interpress. There was also a fast response at any issue taken place, while the reviewing process had taken place into exact time periods. Thank you one more time for the cooperation”.
- Dr. Ibrahim Elmghaamez, University of Huddersfield, UK: "I am greatly admiring the way that has been followed by the Editor of Corporate Ownership and Control journal for submitting papers to the Journal where as some other journals are making the submission process very complicated. I also appreciate the communications and efforts exerted by the Editor of the Journal in response to the authors in short time. Moreover, the reviewers’ report was very obvious and beneficial and it has a lot of advantages which made my paper worthwhile for publishing in the Corporate Ownership and Control journal".
- Yudha Aryo Sudibyo, PhD Student in Taxation, College of Management, Hebei University, China: "Corporate ownership and control is a journal which focus on articles quality and the journal provides a quick response from the editor. It is an every author’s expectation when the articles reviewed by professional referees and meet the datelines, and they did it. Even though they did not use online system for paper submission, but I really appreciate regarding the completeness of reviewing process and reports".
- Dr. Nam Phung, PhD, School of Finance, University of Economics, Vietnam: "This was the first time that I submitted my paper to Corporate Ownership and Control. The reponse was quickly. The reviewing process was clear and feedbacks were helpful. This helped us to improve the paper’s content".
- Dr. Ahmed Zemzem, PhD in Accounting, High Institute of Business Studies of Sousse, Tunisia: "I’m so pleased to work with Corporate Ownership & Control. In particular, I was impressed by the assistance and communication with the editor. I will recommend this journal to my friends and colleague to make use of the exceptional service. My message is also to acknowledge the reviewing process. It was done in much more professional way. I was very pleased with your help and for the good editing which done with an extensive work. Thank you for the valuable and professional work".
- Gerhard Grebe, PhD, Professor, University of South Africa: "I have been publishing in the Journal Corporate Ownership and Control for the last two years. My experience thus far is a very positive one.The communications with the editor and the journal is really wonderful. I have always received timely response from Prof. Dr. Kostyuk and he makes the administrative duties involved in submitting an article for possible publication a pleasurable one. The reviewing process normally takes between 6-7 weeks which in my view is conducted in a very professional manner and provided with quality, accurate feedback. The articles which I have read from fellow academics in this journal involves academic excellence and quality, contributing the body of knowledge in their respective fields of research".
- Dr. Ghada Tayem, PhD, Department of Finance, School of Business, University of Jordan: "I have published twice in Corporate Ownership and Control and I find the communication with the editor and the staff to be timely and helpful. I beleive the Journal sets a reasonable deadline for sending back their acceptance/rejection decision and it adheres to this deadline. I made several inquiries during the decision process and they were all handled in a timely fashion. The reviewer report was constructive, clear and precise. After I responded to the reviewer comments I received the acceptance notification without delay. In general, I find the communication with the editor of the Journal well-ordered and the reviewing process well-organized".
- Athenia Sibindi, PhD, Professor, UniSA, South Africa: "I am an academic based in South Africa and wish to attest that I have been publishing my work with Virtus Journals since 2014. I have been persuaded to continue submitting my work to this group as I have received a very professional, courteous and faultless service from the Editor-in-Chief, editors of the various Journals and the professional assistants. I have been able to track the progress of my articles once submitted which also gives a peace of mind to a researcher. Their turn-around time is also commendable as one can expect feedback within eight weeks upon submission of a manuscript. Due to the nature of the rigorous blind peer review process that the Virtus group of journals undertakes, one can be assured of detailed feedback and advice on how to improve their manuscript should it be rejected. As such, I wish to unreservedly recommend this stable of Journals to any scholar who is considering publishing with them, for they can be rest assured of an excellent service".
- Isabel Lourenço, PhD, Professor, ISCTE, Portugal: "The journal has a prompt reviewing process. The Editor is always available to communicate with authors. The journal has valuable reviewer reports".
- Marco Fazzini, PhD, Full professor of Financial Accounting, Università Europea di Roma, Italy: “I have had an opportunity to publish a paper in Corporate Ownership and Control Journal twice. In both cases I, appreciated the support and the responsiveness of the Editor, who constantly updated me about the various steps of the process. The reviewing process provides a great service and is very supportive in all the phases: the suggestions are really effective and improved the quality of my paper”.
- Halil D. Kaya, PhD, Associate Professor, Northeastern State University, USA: “My publication process with “Corporate Ownership and Control” has been smooth. The editor is always very responsive to emails; he promptly answers any questions that the authors may have. He also guides the authors throughout the whole process. I am also impressed with the referees’ constructive comments. These comments force authors to improve their paper. Also, the general quality of the papers in the journal is high. Overall, I am very satisfied with the publication process at “Corporate Ownership and Control”.
- Gisele Mah, PhD, School of Economics & Decision Sciences, North West University, South Africa: “In relation to communication with the editor of the journal Corporate Ownership and Control, I found professionalism, timely and good communication. The editor responses to emails and do so on time. For the reviewing process, it takes time which is fine. Mine took about two months. The process to me is fine and simple to follow. In the case of the availability of the reviewers’ report, it is always made available to the author. The review comments add more value to the paper to be published. The material is read and constructive comments are made. I really find this journal good”.
- Afzalur Rashid, PhD, School of Commerce, University of Southern Queensland, Australia: “The submission and review time of the journal ‘Corporate Ownership and Control’ is very reasonable. The editor of the journal responses author queries on time. The timely delivery and availability of review reports and needless to say the reviewers’ comments help the author to improve the quality of their papers”.
- Evada Dewata, PhD, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya University, Indonesia: “Communication with the editor of the journal carried out quickly. I get a sufficient explanation for everything that I don’t understand, especially in the article submission process. There’s quickly respons for the article submission and comparing with other Scopus indexed international journals, in Corporate Ownership & Control Journal, review process of the article take no longer time. In addition, the availability of reviewer reports is quite good and clear”.
- Dr. Matthias Baumann, HHL, Germany: "The interaction with the journal Corporate Ownership and Control and the editor was excellent. We received quick responses to all our requests. The review process was completed in a timely manner, while the feedback of the reviewers was insightful and helped to further improve the paper. We can only recommend the journal for future publications".
- Dr. George Ast. Drogalas, University of Macedonia, Greece: "During the last years we have been cooperating with the Corporate Ownership and Control journal regarding the publishing of academic research. We are very pleased with the cooperation we had with the Editor of journal and the reviewing process. More specifically, we were impressed by the direct responsiveness of the Editor to our queries regarding publication and reviewing process. Furthermore, we were very satisfied with the quality and clarity of the review of our papers which has also enhanced the quality our research published in the journal. Finally, we highly appreciated the fact that the reviewing process was transparent as we were informed of each stage of the reviewing process. Overall, we were very pleased with the cooperation we had with Corporate Ownership and Control journal and we have recommended it to several of our academic colleagues".
- Dr. Simone Terzani, University of Perugia, Italy: "I really appreciated the responsiveness and the fairness of the Editor of Corporate Ownership and Control Journal. I confirm that every communications with the Journal has been easy and that the reviewing process has been quick and on time".
- Dr. Elisa Truant, Ricercatore Universitario, Dipartimento di
Management, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy: "I cooperate with the journal Corporate Ownership and Control as author and I recommend it for the reliability that characterizes the various stages of publication. First of all, the communication with the Editor is very fast and characterized by a noteworthy, and rare, collaboration. The review process is blind, fast and serious and it is characterized by a detailed report highlighting areas of weakness and containing helpful comments and suggestions to improve the work. I really appreciated the whole publishing process". - Dr. Salma Zaiane, Tunis El Manar University, Tunisia: "That was a pleasure for me to submit my paper to the journal "Corporate Ownership and Control". In fact, it’ s easy to communicate with the editor of the journal who answers very quickly the different mails. Often, he answers my mails within one day! Concerning, the reviewing report, in my case, it takes less than one month to have it. In the end, I would like to thank the editor as well as the reviewer for their professionalism and their seriousness".
- Dr. Mark Wickham, Professor, University of Tasmania, Australia: “I found the submission and review process with the Corporate Ownership & Control Journal to be a very pleasant experience. The ability to email the paper directly to the journal is far easier than the ’editorial manager’ process adopted by other journals, and the response time from the Editor was quite fast (i.e. I received a response within 3 working days). The reviewing process took about 6 weeks, and the feedback was largely supportive of the publication, and I can therefore speak to the situation where the paper was accepted with relatively minor revisions. The time frame for resubmission was generous, and after the corrections were completed and resubmitted, I received the final decision within 4 weeks. Overall, I found the submission, review and final decision process to be very well organized".
- Dr. Alicja Brodzka, University of Wroclaw, Poland: "I would like to thank for the cooperation with the Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control. Transparent and fast procedures, constructive reviewers’ feedback with comments which really improved our paper and – above all – the excellent communication with the editorial team made the publishing process a very positive experience. I sincerely recommend the Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control for future publications".
- Annamaria Zampella, Ph.D. researcher, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy: "My experience with Corporate Ownership and Control is positive and I do not exclude the possibility of submitting other papers to this journal. Indeed, first of all, communication with the Editor has been timely and accurate and the reviewing process has been detailed and very useful to improve the quality of my manuscript".
- Dr. Meutia, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Indonesia: "The communication with the Editor of the journal Corporate Ownership and Control is very good. The reviewing process was excellent and to the point. The availability of the reviewers’ report was great and clear. The communication and reviewing process is professional and efficient. The review process is to really improve the paper".
- Dr. Ahmed Mohsen Al-Baidhani, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia: "Through your journal Corporate Ownership and Control I get wonderful information and comments that are essential to various kinds of authors. Your hard work in editing and reviewing is really appreciated. I think such hard work is paying off and I hope that you keep the good work going. It is clear that you spend quality time on the editing job and I would like to thank you for that. I hope you are keeping well and your journal keeps moving forward".
- Dr. Elisa Raoli, Luiss Guido Carli University, Italy: “I am very satisfied with the cooperation with Corporate Ownership and Control Journal. The review process is always detailed and accurate and they are always able to meet deadlines. The review process is really helpful in improving the quality of the research and their comments and suggestions are productive and constructive. Both the editor and the staff are helpful and kind during the communication process. In general I can say that is an excellent cooperation with the journal”.
- Dr. Hadri Kusuma, Indonesia: "This year is the first time I submit a publishable manuscript for Corporate Ownership and Control journal. I have wonderful experiences with the journal editorial team. The team quickly replied my email and question. The comments of the reviewers were also valuable to improve the quality of the manuscript. The editor informed the decision in a timely manner. Keep these excellent services".
- Dr. Dina Hassouna, British University in Egypt, Egypt: "It was an excellent experience communicating with the Editor of the "Corporate Ownership and Control journal" especially in the context of his very prompt responsiveness and professional reviewing process and the timely yet very fruitful report received. I will always look forward to future communication with Corporate Ownership and Control journal".
- Dr. Lindriana Sari, PhD, Indonesia: "I have a good experience publication on a journal Corporate Ownership and Control. The publication process I had begun with the follow the international conference "Corporate Governance: A Search for Advanced Standards in the Wake of Crisis" in Milan, May 8, 2014 conducted by Virtus InterPress. I am very pleased to communicate with the editor of "Corporate Ownership and Control" which made a pretty quick review process. The good publication process is the reason why publication of in this journal becomes my choice".
- Annamaria Zampella, Ph.D. researcher, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy: "The Editor of Corporate Ownership and Control journal is very careful, fast and accurate in the communication, indeed the whole process of submission, reviewing and publication of the paper has not been complicated. Lastly, the journal site is well structured and the information is clear. Overall, I can say there was an excellent cooperation with COC".
- Dr. Fabio Quarato, PhD, Bocconi University, Italy: "The communication with the Editor of "Corporate Ownership and Control" was very easy and fast. In all stages of the review process the Editor answered very quickly. When I submitted the paper, the Editor was very prompt in defining the review time period and, in the end, the reviewing time was lower than the estimated one. I received a brief report with very clear and helpful comments to improve the manuscript, and as soon as I made the changes I was sent an email by the Editor saying that the paper was definitely accepted for publication. Overall, both the communication and the reviewing processes were professional and very effective. Also, the feedback from the editorial team and the reviewers was helpful and constructive for increasing the quality of the manuscript. Overall, I had a very good interaction with the Editor, always available in solving my doubts and explaining the several stages of the process. I am very happy to have published my article in Corporate Ownership and Control journal".
- Dr. Byungcherl Charlie Sohn, Professor, University of Macau, China: "The review process is very efficient. I have many experiences of delayed reviews from other journals without any explanation. In contrast, the timing of the reviews in Corporate Ownership and Control is very reasonable without any delay. The quality of review report is also very high and professional. The comments and suggestions from the reviewers were very helpful to improving the quality and readability of my paper. Finally, the editor has a professionalism in managing the whole process of the publication from the initial paper submission, reviews, decision making, and the formal publication. He also seems to have an enthusiasm in promoting corporate governance research to the academia and practices through selecting quality papers into Corporate Ownership and Control".
- Dr. Simona Alfiero, PhD, Professore Aggregato, Dipartimento di Management, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy: "With reference to the paper review process we think that the cooperation with Corporate Ownership and Control Journal communications was really effective and agreeable. Particularly, the interaction and the quick responsiveness of the editor were amazing. We appreciate the work you did on our paper and the reviewers’ report were very pertinent being the information and comments incorporated very relevant and able to indicate objective suggestion for the paper improvement. Everything added value to our point of view being able to address our further writing enhancements. In general, it was an excellent cooperation".
- Johnson Boscu Rukundo, Doctoral Candidate Economics, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden: "I submitted my article in the Corporate ownership and Control journal for the first time. I appreciated the quick response from the editor communicating the status of my article. The communication between the editor and author was always clear and positive. I acknowledge the reviewing process, which is done in a professional manner. It is worthwhile publishing in the Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control".
- Randy Beavers, PhD, Assistant Professor of Finance at Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, WA, USA: "Corporate Ownership and Control was very professional from start to finish. After initially submitting my paper, I heard from the editor within a few days before it was sent to an anonymous referee. Despite the submission and review occurring during the summer months, I received excellent, detailed feedback that was able to be incorporated within the piece. Upon another round of revision and closely working with the editor, the piece was ready for publication. Virtus Interpress was very professional in working with me on the page proofs and placing everything where it needed to me and addressing any of my concerns. Overall, I greatly appreciate working with the journal, and they stand out to me as an example for other journals to follow in terms of high quality peer review and professionalism in academia".
- Prof. Massimo Cecchi, Dipartimento DISEI, Università di Firenze, Italy: "Communicating with the editorial team is very professional and efficient. The Editor acknowledges receipt of the submitted manuscript within 24 hours and informs the author of the exact review process. The reviewing process was excellent and to the point. The referee’s report is always useful and constructive. Editorial Team members are friendly and always welcoming further comments before the final print. The timing of the publication is reliable and fast. In short, I am very satisfied with the publication process at “Corporate Ownership and Control"".
- Dr. Muttanachai Suttipun, PhD, Professor, Prince of Songkla University Graduate School, Thailand: "The COC gives me and my team the great opportunities to the paper from developing countries as well as developed countries. High quality reviewing process and professional work of Editor-in-Chief of the journal and his staff are already showed how the COC is very good journal".
- Dr. Nikolaos Loukeris, Lecturer University of South Wales, Department of Business Administration, UK: "Fine communication between the Editor of Corporate Ownership and Control, clear guidelines on the journal processes, fast reactions".
- Dr. Gagan Kukreja, Ahlia University, Bahrain: "The editorial team of COC journal is highly prompt and professional in correspondence. They understand that research findings must be published in short time so that it will not lose relevance. The blind review process is highly professional and reviewers have high expertise in their field. The reviewers’ comments improve the quality of published work in timely manner. The reviewers suggest the area for further improvements".
- Dr. André Luiz Carvalhal da Silva, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: "The submission and review processes are very efficient and of high quality, the editorial team is very helpful during all stages from the submission until the publication of the paper".
- Dr. Hatem Elfeituri, Lecturer in Accounting, University of East London, UK: "The contacting with Corporate Ownership and Control Journal is satisfying. This journal covers a broad range of relevant and current topics of firm performance and corporate governance. Comments I received from reviewers were very constructive and the editor replies to my email very quick within 15 minutes or less".
- Dr. Francesco Agliata, University of Naples, Italy: "We are honoured to have published our paper in Corporate Ownership and Control journal. Furthermore, our suggestions, during the reference phase, have been very useful to improve the quality of the paper. We thank you very much and I hope for a forthcoming scientific collaboration".
- Dr. Jijun Niu, Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University, Canada: "My co-authors and I had a pleasant experience of publishing with Corporate Ownership and Control. We received the reviewer report in several weeks. The report was well written and contained helpful suggestions. The editor promptly responded to the revised paper, and the production team converted the paper to a journal style typeset paper in a couple of days".
- Dr. Manas Mayur, Assistant Professor, Finance & Accounting, Goa Institute of Management, India: "The entire process right from the submission to publication is very professional. The editorial team is very prompt and helpful in all aspects. The time taken by the reviewers is apt and the quality of the review is very encouraging".
- Valentina Legasio, PhD, Research Fellow in Financial Intermediaries, Management Department, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy: “Working with the Corporate Ownership and Control journal is a really good experience. The publishing process is efficient and effective. The communication with the Editor of the journal and with all the editorial team is fast and professional. The reviewing process is also very timely, providing reviewers’ reports very good in increasing the quality of the paper. I sincerely recommend the journal for future publications”.
- Dr. Joy Elly Tulung, PhD, Sam Ratulangi University Manado, Indonesia: “My communication experience with the editor is very smooth, fast response. The process review also really good and the reviewers were really precise to found our article’s weakness and have very valuable feedback to make our articles better than before. Overall the editors and reviewers have a passion for developing the knowledge and the perfect articles".
- Prof. Fabio La Rosa, Università degli Studi di Enna "Kore", Italy: “The communications with the Editor are very simple and fast. I really appreciated the support and the responsiveness of the Editor, who constantly updated me about the various steps of the process. The review process is really helpful in improving the quality of the research and their comments and suggestions are productive and constructive. The timing of the publication is reliable and fast. Overall, I am very satisfied with the publication process at “Corporate Ownership and Control”.
- Dr. George Ast. Drogalas, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, University of Macedonia, Greece: “During the last five years, we have been cooperating with Virtus Interpress. We are very pleased with the interaction we had with the Editor of “Corporate Ownership and Control”. More specifically, we were impressed by the direct responsiveness of the Editor to our queries. Furthermore, we were very satisfied with the quality of the review of our papers which has also enhanced the quality our research published in the journal. Finally, we highly appreciated the fact that the reviewing process was transparent as we were informed of each stage of the reviewing process. Overall, we have recommended it to several of our academic colleagues".
- Dr. Marco Grumo, Catholic University of Milan and Director of Nonprofit division of ALTIS (Postgraduate School of Business and Society) of Catholic University of Milan, Italy: “I think the cooperation with Corporate Ownership and Control journal is very effective and efficient. You are very responsible for the reviewing process and the communication is really precise and fast. I really appreciate your work and comments: I found the reviewers’ report very useful for the quality of my article. Thank you! Great job!”
- Dr. Kalai Lamia, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Tunis: “The cooperation with Corporate Ownership and Control journal is very pleasant. The communications with the Editor of the journal is efficient, the responsiveness is immediate and the feedback from the reviewers is very valuable. I really appreciate the work of Editorial team and I want to certify that it is an excellent Journal with a very high quality research papers and a great editorial board”.
- Luca Vincenzo Ballestra, University of Bologna, Italy: “Publishing with Corporate Ownership and Control was a very nice experience. The review process has been fast (for both the first and the second round); the reports of the Reviewers have been clear and focused on the content of the paper; the communication with the Editor has been prompt and fruitful; finally, the time for editing and publishing the paper (once it was accepted) has been quite fast”.
- Alhashmi Aboubaker Lasyoud, PhD, FHEA, CPA, Assistant Professor of Accounting, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates: “I really appreciated the responsiveness of the fairness of the editor of Corporate Ownership and Control Journal. The communication with the editor is very fast after submitting my manuscript and that the reviewing process has been quick, excellent and on time, while the feedback of the reviewers was useful and constructive. I strongly recommend the journal for future publications. I am very happy to have my article published in Corporate Ownership and Control Journal".
- Pietro Fera, Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Italy: “As for my first experience with Corporate Ownership and Control, I am very pleased with the publishing process of the Journal. The interaction with the Editorial Board was very efficient: both the Editor and the staff were prompt and clear during all steps. The review process was very careful and useful and it came with brief but clear comments for improving the paper. Overall, I would like to thanks for the cooperation and I will probably keep in touch with this Journal!”
- Sung S. Kwon, Professor of Accounting, School of Administrative Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University, Canada: “I am quite happy with the blind review process of the journal, ‘Corporate Ownership and Control,’ through which I could enhance the quality of my paper significantly, and the period of two and a half months for the two rounds of the review process is comparable to that of other high-quality journals. The two anonymous reviewers gave similar and dissimilar comments on my paper. Therefore, the Editor of the journal could more objectively determine the publishability of the paper because the idiosyncratic errors resulting from the use of only one reviewer could be avoided. I was also very satisfied with the speed at which the Editor (Dr Alexander Kostyuk) communicated with me in the paper submission, the review process, and the final publication arrangement. I also think his overall communications with me were very efficient and pleasant".
- Lorenzo Gelmini, Dottore commercialista e revisore legale, Ricercatore di Economia aziendale Dipartimento di Studi per l’Economia e l’Impresa, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy: “Communications (and communications process) are clear, quick and trustworthy. The review process, also, is fast enough, authoritative and rich of valuable suggestions for the authors. All in all, the academic environment is ideal for the publication of quality works.”
- Dr. Domenico Campa, Associate Professor of Accounting, International University of Monaco, Principality of Monaco: "Corporate Ownership and Control publishes a series of relevant topic on corporate governance topics. My experience is the journal was very positive. The communication with the journal is amazing. All parties involved in the process (e.g., the editor, the editorial assistant, etc.) are always ready to support you and reply to your queries within hours. The review process is fast and, more importantly, very constructive and aimed at improving your paper. Overall, a very good experience".
- Dr. Zakaria Boulanouar, Assistant Professor, Higher College of Technology, Saudi Arabia: "I published two papers in Corporate Ownership and Control. During and after the process of both publications, I found the communication with the editor and the other Journal’s associates to be timely, reasonable and constructive. The review process was very constructive and fair. The reviewers’ reports were very constructive and helpful. Our responses were dealt with in a professional manner and both the editor and the reviewers were very understanding and receptive of our explanations. Thank you very much to the whole team for the whole experience”.
- Dr. Muneer Mohammed Saeed Al Mubarak, Associate Professor, Ahlia University, Manama, Bahrain: "Corporate Ownership and Control Journal has been consistently providing prompt feedback with a high level of effective communication led by the Editor. I have published some papers in this journal over the last few years and I have noticed the professional way of dealing and handling with authors’ matters. The journal is clearly achieving its mission and efficiently implementing set policy".
- Dr. Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Assistant Professor, University Institute of Management Sciences, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan: "My overall experience with Corporate Ownership & Contol is outstanding based on the following points: 1) Response from the editor & team is very quick; 2) It’s very user-friendly; 3) Fast review process; 4) Very constructive comments by Reviewers and Editorial team; 5) High-quality papers publication; 6) A very minimum time between acceptance & online publication; 7) Very friendly and committed team to resolve the query; 8) Overall process is very efficient".
- Dr. Patrizia Pastore, Ph.D, University of Calabria, Italy: “I recommend the Virtus Interpress Journals both to established academics and young, upcoming researchers aimed at publishing quality theoretical and empirical studies. These Journals are devoted to a broad range of cornerstone issues of international corporate governance and regulation, corporate board composition and practices, governance and sustainability, corporate and business strategy. They have a wide-reaching readership, due to the reputation of the authors and the high standard of quality of their papers, through managing the peer and blind reviewing of the papers. As an author, I find that feedback from the reviewers, as well as the editorial team, are helpful and constructive for increasing the quality of the both theoretical and empirical papers. Moreover, the overall review and publication process is characterized by the reasonable response time and efficient communication with the Editor of the Journal”.
- Dr. Dalenda Ben Ahmed, Higher Institute of Management of Gabes, University of Gabes, Tunisia: “We submitted an article to the journal "Corporate Ownership and Control" which was accepted and published recently. We would like to thank the editing team and the reviewers for the professionalism, speed and quality of the publication process. We were pleasantly surprised by the responsiveness and friendliness of the exchanges with the editors who processed our submission, as well as by the contribution of the reviewers’ comments to our work”.
- Dr. Andrea Rey, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy: “Corporate Ownership and Control is a journal that covers several arguments and important issues about accounting, management, and corporate governance fields. The cooperation was excellent, especially with the Editor. The review process has been very efficient. I have published two papers on Corporate Ownership and Control but I am sure that I will continue to publish in your journals”.
- Mawih Kareem Shaker Al Ani, Dhofar University, Oman: “I appreciate the work of the editorial team of Corporate Ownership and Control journal. They are high response and communication with them is very active. They are very responsible and serious about the reviewing process. They try too much to improve the publishing standards as every time we see new improvements”.
- Manuela Lucchese, PhD, Associate Professor of Accounting, Department of Economics, University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli", Italy: “I have appreciated very much to work with the Editor of the Journal. Communications are simple, fast, and effective. The communication process is really smart. Responsiveness of the Editor: the answers are clear, comprehensive, and effective. Reviewing process: the observations are relevant and indicate a very good knowledge of the topics by the referees. Availability of the Reviewers ’ reports: very good time adjustment of the paper. The review comments were very useful and constructive. I am so pleased to have had this experience”.
- Þröstur Olaf Sigurjónsson, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland; Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark: “I had the experience of publishing with Corporate Ownership and Control journal early 2020. The publication process was efficient and enjoyable. Reviews were constructive and presented an obvious insight into the paper‘s focus, method and theoretical positioning. Hence, it was very helpful in improving the final outcome of the paper. This was done in a quick and determined way by the editorial office of the journal. I will certainly consider attempting publishing again in Corporate Ownership and Control journal”.
Feedback from reviewers:
- Dr. Tom Cronje, Professor, Curtin Business School, Australia: “Requests for the reviewing of papers are conducted by way of direct communication between the editor and the relevant reviewer. I believe it is efficient. Information about aspects to be considered by the reviewer are provided describing the major issues of the paper, including the conceptual fundamentals, literature review, research framework (if any) and paper results (conclusion) and general advice to accept the paper (with additional revision or not) or to be rejected." A Virtus Interpress document to be completed with the comments of the reviewer is also provided. It confirms overall acceptable reviewer standards. Paper manuscripts are anonymous, therefore assisting reviewer objectivity”.
- Dr Konstantinos Sergakis, Senior Lecturer in Law, School of Law, University of Glasgow, UK: “I have the great pleasure to cooperate with the Journal since autumn 2015 in my capacity as a reviewer of manuscripts submitted for publication. The communications with the Editor of the journal have always been excellent and efficient as well as his responsiveness. The reviewing process is very rigorous and the standards satisfactory for maintaining the necessary level of quality of the published papers. The reviewers’ report has been made available to me in a timely manner and contains an important series of factors, ensuring the overall quality of the journal: more specifically, I have been asked to write a report of 150-300 words describing the major issues of the paper including the conceptual fundamentals, the literature review, the research framework (if any) and the paper results (conclusion) and general advise to accept the paper (with additional revision or not) or to be rejected. As an overall impression, I find my collaboration with the Journal very fruitful and satisfactory and I hope to keep on offering reviewer support in the future”.
- Dr. Patricia Lindelwa Makoni, UNISA, South Africa: “The turnaround time allocated to process manuscripts is reasonable, resulting in the high and reputable quality of articles published by the journal. I would not hesitate to recommend this journal to young, and upcoming researchers, as well as established academics. It covers an array of business-related topics, and has a wide-reaching readership”.
- Dr. Anupam Dutta, University of Vaasa, Finland: “As an author, I always have nice experiences with the Corporate Ownership & Control journal. Whenever I submit my paper to this journal, I receive quick responses from the Editor. One advantage of this journal is that the reviewing process is quite fast. However, quite fast reviewing process does not mean that the quality of the report is not that good. In fact, I am always a recipient of quality reviews”.
- Dr. Geeorgia Kontogeorga, University of Patras, Greece: “As far as my first impressions concerns as a new reviewer of the journal, these are very positive. The responsiveness of both the Editor and reviewers is immediate and fast as possible. As a result, authors are not obliged to wait too long, but they have prompt response concerning their manuscript. The reviewing process is rapid, however fulfill high quality standards. In general, I feel very happy that I can contribute to this serious and remarkable effort. As a team, we will strive to upgrade the quality of our journal in the future. Ι would like to reassure our readers that we do our best in order to become an essential contributor in the science of audit and control”.
- Dr. Ewa Banasik, Swinburne University, Australia: “As a reviewer, I found communicating with Alexander Kostyuk, the editor of Corporate Ownership and Control Journal, very easy compared to other journals. I was able to communicate with Alexander via email and his responses to my emails and queries were immediate. I preferred this method of contact to the way it is usually handled by other journals, which is through their websites”.
- Dr. Maria Teresa Bianchi, Italy: "I’m very pleased to collaborate with the Journal since Autumn 2015. As a reviewer, I communicated with the editor of Corporate Ownership and Control Journal very easily. The reviewing process is quite fast and it has a good quality level of standards. Information about aspects to be considered by the reviewer are indicated considering the major issues of the paper. Paper is anonymous so the review is objective. I hope to continue my support in the future".
- Dr. Trish Bradbury, New Zealand: "In 2015 I was asked to be a reviewer for the Journal, which I happily accepted. Communication with the Journal editor and the ease with which the reviewing process was presented made my decision to accept straightforward. The Editor was quick enough to respond to my queries and provide the requested information. The reviewers’ report was short and also completed with ease".
- Dr. Raef Gouiaa, Professor, Département des sciences comptables, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada: "I want to express my great satisfaction regarding the reviewing process in which I participated. I found the process both effective and efficient. The reviewing process is effective because it allows evaluating objectively the paper through a blind review process. It is also based on relevant scientific criteria for assessing the paper and its contribution. The Editor of the journal gave me a reasonable time frame to evaluate the paper and write a report of about 300 words, describing the major issues of the paper including the conceptual fundamentals, literature review, research framework, paper results and conclusion and general advise to accept the paper (with additional revision or not) or to reject it. The reviewing process is efficient because it allows the reviewer to communicate directly with the Editor of the Journal for any questions regarding the paper and the reviewing process which saves a lot of time. The Editor’s great responsiveness allows faster publication of relevant and validated articles on current business research topics. Overall, I enjoyed my cooperation with Corporate Ownership and Control Journal as reviewer".
- Dr. Patrizia Pastore, University of Calabria, Italy: “The review process is a vital part of the quality control mechanism used to determine what is published and what is not. I have the honour to cooperate as a reviewer for the Corporate Ownership and Control Journal. I greatly appreciate that the review process is collaborative. Editor and reviewers work together to maximize the quality of published research. On the one hand, Editor provides explicit instructions on the journal’s expectations for the scope, content, quality and timeliness of the reviews. On the other hand, reviewers are asked to submit a review report providing constructive comments to bring the final paper to its best possible quality. The review process takes time and commitment however the editor has defined clear rules that streamline the process as much as possible, allowing reviewers appropriate time to complete their reviews and requesting reviews at a reasonable frequency that does not overtax any one reviewer. The whole review process is facilitated by the possibility to communicate very easily (via email) and quickly with the editor".
- Dr. Martin Stawinoga, Helmut-Schmidt-University, Germany: “In Autumn 2015 I accepted the invitation as a reviewer of manuscripts submitted for publication in Corporate Ownership and Control. The communication with the editor is excellent and the responses to my queries are very quick. The reviewing process is based upon a good quality level of standard and results in a report describing the major issues of the paper and giving recommendations to the authors. The reviewing process is quite fast, so that authors receive a structured result from the reviewers shortly after their submission. I am looking forward to continue my support to Corporate Ownership and Control in the future".
- Dr. Andy Jia-Yuh Yeh, National Taiwan University, Taiwan: “My email communication with the Editor, the Editor-in-Chief was reasonably smooth and collegial. He was highly responsive to my requests and questions. His collegiality and professionalism were particularly helpful for a fresh journal referee like me. The peer review process was double-blind to ensure that as academic referees we adhere to the conventional ethical standards for high-quality academic publications such as Corporate Ownership and Control. At any rate, I would welcome the opportunity to help referee submissions to Corporate Ownership and Control in close collaboration with the Editor again in the future".
- Dr. Maria Joao Guedes, Professor, ISEG, University of Lisboa, Portugal: "I have started to collaborate with “Corporate Ownership and Control Journal” recently. The reviewing process was smooth, blind and fast. I was given a reasonable deadline to review the paper in order to keep the process fast but still at high levels of quality. The reviewing request covers the most important aspects that a reviewing report should contain: the novelty of the topic, the extension and quality of the contribution, the quality of the literature review and the quality of the results. The communication with the Editor was prompt".
- Dr. Niels Hermes, Professor, RUG, Netherlands: "The communication with the Editor of the journal was very good. I received an email directly from the editor asking for a review of a paper, which was attached. In the email guidelines were given with respect to how to review the paper. These guidelines were clear. The email also mentioned the deadline for submitting the review. I always like this. After submitting the review, I received a reaction from the editor within 24 hours, thanking me for the review".
- Dr. Jesus Salas, Professor, Lehigh University, USA: "My communication with the journal has been very easy and straightforward. I knew exactly what I needed to do and the deadline for my review. The editor was quick in responding to my correspondence. The reviewing process is very clear and fair to all involved. The paper I reviewed was of fair quality by people who
definitely know the literature. This makes my job as reviewer much easier". - Doriana Cucinelli, PhD, Professor, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy: “I have the great pleasure to cooperate with the Journal. The communications with the journal is direct and the Editor writes directly to me. I think that this method is appreciable because I can chat directly with the Editor and the answers to my questions are very quickly. The reviewing process is rigorous and the delivery time are accurate and well define. I believe that this method is a very good, both for reviewers and for writers that submit the papers to this Journal. I hope to keep on offering reviewer support in the future”.
- Dr. Nulla, Arab Open University, Kuwait: "My experience as a Reviewer with the prestigious Corporate Ownership and Control journal had been overwhelming and a learning journey for me. I found the review process transparent and prompt. The chief editor, Professor Dr. Alexander Kostyuk, instructions were clear and had a deadline. The review feedback required were extensive and in-depth. The quality of articles I had received for review in the past varies with the nature of management topic chosen by the authors. Overall, I had enjoyed reviewing articles for this prestigious journal, as I had enjoyed reviewing many other famed business journals".
- Dr. Andrea Sacco Ginevri, Adjunct Professor of Banking and Financial Law at LINK Campus University of Rome, Italy: "I review papers for the Journal since 2015. I really appreciate the way the Journal’s bodies work. The Director communicates with reviewers in real time. Also the reviewing process is very well organized. The process is based on the blind system, and the editorial board’s members helped me in case of queries in a very efficient way. The duration of the process is shorter compared with others, and this allows to publish articles in order. I appreciate very much this experience and I wish to cooperate with the Journal also in the future”.
- Dr. Simone Terzani, Associate Professor of Accounting, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy: "I have the honour to cooperate as a reviewer for the Corporate Ownership and Control Journal. I really appreciate the fairness of the Editor and the possibility to communicate with him very easily. The Journal gives to the reviewers a reasonable time to evaluate the paper and write a report covering the most important aspects that a reviewing report should contain. I really appreciate the constructive approach of the Editor and I hope to keep on offering my support to the Corporate Ownership and Control Journal in the future”.
- Dr. Giuseppina Iacoviello, Associate Professor, University of Pisa, Italy: “I have started to contribute with Corporate Ownership and Control Journal lately. The chief editor is prompt in responding to my correspondence, I appreciate it. The reviewing process is quite fast and it has a good quality level of standards. The reviewing request covers the most important issues that a reviewing report should contain: the novelty of the topic chosen by the authors, the quality of the contribution, the quality of the literature review and the quality of the results. I would suggest this prestigious journal to upcoming researchers, as well as established academics".
- Dr. Inês Lisboa, Associate Professor, ESTG, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal: “I have the pleasure to cooperate with the Corporate Ownership and Control journal as a reviewer. The communication with Alexander, the editor is efficient and very easy. He is very responsiveness. The reviewer process is through email and considers the major issues of the paper ensuring the quality of the journal. The objectivity of the process is assure as the paper is anonymous. I hope to continue to cooperate with the journal in the future”.
- Dr. S.Subramanian, Associate Professor (Strategic Management), Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, India: “The review process of papers submitted for Corporate Ownership and Control Journal is rigorous and hence challenging. And it is that academic challenge that I enjoy a lot as a reviewer of this journal. Also, the high quality of the papers sent for review, help me also to learn a lot and keep me updated about latest research trends in the field of corporate governance. Another thing that I like about the review process is that the individualized objective of the review is clearly stated by editor in his personal direct communication with reviewer. This helps to keep the review process stay focused. Also it helps in giving specific comments suitable for the paper, rather than sticking to a ‘fit for all’ review template. I would be happy to continue my association with Corporate Ownership and Control Journal in the future”.
- Dr. Hakjoon Song, Associate Professor of Accounting, Accounting, Finance & Economics Department, College of Business Administration and Public Policy, California State University Dominguez Hills, USA: “I have the great pleasure to cooperate with the journal Corporate Ownership and Control since 2016 as a reviewer. The communications with the Editor of the journal have been efficient and the Editor has been responsive. The reviewing process is rigorous as in other high-quality journals and the standard satisfactory for publication in the Journal is reasonably high. The reviewers’ report contains important factors suitable for high-quality journals including conceptual framework, literature review, empirical methodology, writing quality and conclusion. Overall I find my collaboration with the Journal very productive and rewarding and I hope to contribute to the Journal in the future”.
- Dr. Francesco Napoli, Associate Professor of business economics, Università degli Studi e-Campus, Italy: “The Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control is a high level academic publication and is included among the best international reviews. I have been both an author and a reviewer for the Journal. As the author, I was positively surprised by the fact that the reviewing process is rapid while still maintaining high quality standards. As a reviewer, I have learnt that the Journal achieves its excellence through the efficient and efficacious communication which the editor. I found communicating with the editor very easy in comparison with those of other journals. I was able to communicate with the editor via email and his responses to my emails and queries were immediate. The rules which govern the revision process are, however, rigid and fully consistent with the authoritative position that the review has gained for itself within international academic circles..
- Dr. Aron Perenyi, PhD, Professor, Swinburne University, Australia: "Corporate Ownership and Control is a professionally run journal endeavouring to publish high-quality scholarly articles with practical relevance. Communication with the editor (and their team) is professional, swift and manageable. The processes are clear and
transparent and the review is truly double-blind. As the member of the editorial board and a regular reviewer, I believe my efforts are well placed, and advance high-quality scholarly work, for the benefit of mankind". - Dr. Derrald E. Stice, PhD, UST, Hong Kong: "My experience with the journal Corporate Ownership and Control has been very good. The responsiveness of the journal and editor has been excellent. The review process has been appropriate for the journal. The availability of the reviewer’s report has been adequate. Overall, my experience has been good and all seems appropriate".
- Dr. Kalin Kolev, PhD, Baruch College of the City University of New York, USA: "So far I have contributed to the journal as a reviewer on one submission. My experience was very positive. The desired output from the review process is clearly identified and the allotted turnaround time is reasonable. The Editor is very approachable, responding to e-mails instantaneously. I look forward to continuing working with the Corporate Ownership and Control journal."
- Mireille Chidiac El Hajj, PhD., Associate Professor, Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Management, Lebanese University, Lebanon: "It has been a highly rewarding experience to cooperate with your esteemed journal Corporate Ownership and Control for the publication of our scholarly article. Your team is discerning and professional in its approach. Since the initial contact, the Editor-in-Chief gave helpful feedback, and the reviews were fair and supportive, which facilitated the final production of the research article. The communication has been prompt in guiding the work toward fruition. It has been an experience worth repeating for future collaboration."
- Dr. Salem Alhababsah, Lecturer in Accounting, Coventry University, UK: "In my capacity as an author, I had an excellent experience with Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control. This journal is characterized by the prompt response and efficient communication. I have approached the Editor couple of times seeking answers to relevant queries. His answers were clear and responsible. Furthermore, I received useful and constructive feedback on my manuscript and also the revised manuscript is processed within an acceptable turnaround time."
- Dr. Domenico Campa, Ph.D., Professor of Accounting, International University of Monaco:" I submitted a manuscript to Corporate Ownership and Control. I must say that the review process was quite smooth. The editor replied promptly to my submission email stating that the paper fit the journal so it could go under review. The report from the reviewer came back after 5/6 weeks, which is an excellent time. After the revision, the paper was accepted and there was a kind and, especially, fast exchange of email to finalize the process. I have to say that, in comparison with my other journal in the field, the journal showed respect for authors’ work and had a good review process. I think the journal is a bit underestimated given that it contains very good articles."
- Dr. Mohammad Alhadab, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Al Al-Bayt University, Jordan: "I would highly recommend the submission to the Corporate Ownership and Control. The Editor is very helpful and replies directly after receiving any submission to acknowledge the paper is received and assigned to reviewers. The review process is very straightforward and in a timely and efficient manner. The reviewers are usually experts in the field and they submit their review reports within approximately four weeks of the date of submission."
- Francesco Napoli, Associate Professor of business economics, Università degli Studi e-Campus, Italy: "I have contributed as both an author and a reviewer to The Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control, a high-level academic publication which is considered to be among the best international reviews. One of the positive surprises which the Journal gave me as an author was the rapidity of its reviewing process, without compromising its high-quality standards. During my time contributing as a reviewer, it has become clear to me that the Journal’s excellence is achieved due to the effort on the part of the editor to maintain an efficient and efficacious level of communication. On the basis of my experience, I can say that it is far easier to communicate with the Editor-in-Chief of this journal than with the editors of most other journals. Whenever I have sent an email, I have received an immediate, complete response. On the other hand, the review maintains the authoritative reputation it has gained in international academic circles by applying rigid, consistent regulations to its revision processes."