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In the current work we investigation depend of Ukrainian financial markets segments from influences of the external financial market. In the article we propose the methodology of the investigation which includes three main units. The main ideas of these units are recognition of the most influential external financial market by indicators set, forecasting of the tendencies and influences of the foreign financial markets segments, construction of adaptation decision for the regulation of the Ukrainian financial market. We used the VAR models and variance analysis for the determination of the influences foreign financial market. The investigation of MosPrime Index and DAX Index as most influential indicators of external market allowed to define the adaptation type of the stock and credit segments of the Ukrainian financial market.
Keywords: Adaptation, Financial Market, Index, Models, Influence, Stock Market, Credit Market, Forecasting.
How to cite this paper: Stryzhychenko, K. (2014). Adaptation of Ukrainian financial market to the foreign financial market. Corporate Ownership & Control, 11(4-7), 699-706. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv11i4c7p12