Age and prior working experience effect on entrepreneurial intention
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Alexandros G. Sahinidis , Panagiota I. Xanthopoulou
, Panagiotis A. Tsaknis
, Evangelos E. Vassiliou
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The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that determine entrepreneurial intention and examine the effects of age and prior working experience on the formation of entrepreneurial intention. A questionnaire-based survey was employed for the data collection. A total of 171 university students from a Business School in Greece participated in the survey. The findings of our research showed that perceived behavioral control and attitude are significantly influencing entrepreneurial intention. Additionally, our analysis indicates that age and prior working experience affect entrepreneurial intention. The contribution of this study concerns the illumination of the scarcely addressed in the literature relationship between age and work experience with entrepreneurial intention.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Intention, Age, Work Experience, Theory of Planned Behavior
Authors’ individual contributions: Conceptualization — A.G.S.; Methodology — P.A.T.; Writing — P.I.X.; Visualization — E.E.V.
Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
JEL Classification: L26, M13
Received: 09.01.2021
Accepted: 22.03.2021
Published online: 23.03.2021
How to cite this paper: Sahinidis, A. G., Xanthopoulou, P. I., Tsaknis, P. A., & Vassiliou, E. E. (2021). Age and prior working experience effect on entrepreneurial intention. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 2(1), 18-26. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbsrv2i1art2