Assessment of economic impact of public spaces in the Philippines: An in-depth analysis

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Kenneth Lucto Armas ORCID logo, Joannie Aglubat Galano ORCID logo

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This study addresses the economic significance of public spaces in the Philippines and aims to contribute to the development of a comprehensive urban management plan. Motivated by a recognized deficiency in strategic planning for public areas, the study investigates economic activities, assesses their impact on the local economy, businesses, and tourism, and proposes sustainable urban development solutions. Participants from diverse industries provided data through surveys and interviews, employing a mixed-methods approach. Findings reveal the underutilization of public spaces despite their substantial contributions. The study proposes holistic urban management solutions, including physical design improvements, support for informal enterprises, tourism promotion, and community engagement. This research underscores the importance of addressing strategic planning gaps for sustainable urban development. The abstract succinctly captures the research problem, purpose, methodology, main findings, and conclusion, offering valuable insights into the economic potential of public spaces and their relevance to urban management planning in the Philippines.

Keywords: Economic Role, Communal Places, Philippines, Urban Management Plan

Authors’ individual contribution: Conceptualization — K.L.A. and J.A.G.; Methodology — K.L.A. and J.A.G.; Formal Analysis — K.L.A.; Investigation — K.L.A. and J.A.G.; Data Curation — K.L.A. and J.A.G.; Writing — Original Draft — K.L.A.; Writing — Review & Editing — K.L.A. and J.A.G.; Visualization — K.L.A. and J.A.G.; Supervision — K.L.A; Project Administration — K.L.A.

Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

JEL Classification: O21, R11, R14, R38

Received: 13.10.2023
Accepted: 23.05.2024
Published online: 30.05.2024

How to cite this paper: Armas, K. L., & Galano, J. A. (2024). Assessment of economic impact of public spaces in the Philippines: An in-depth analysis. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 5(2), 235–242.