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Martie P. Mphelo, Collins C Ngwakwe ORCID logo


This research examined probable relationship between banks’ social investment and market share of selected banks in the JSE SRI Index. Using data from the sustainability report of three selected banks, the research applied the panel data approach to conduct a simple regression analysis between cooperate social investment and banks’ market share (represented by bank deposits). Findings from the analysis suggest that, whilst keeping other factors constant, within the sample banks, a relationship exists between corporate social investment and banks’ market share. The paper thus recommends that further study should include more banks across many years to probe for further relationships between banks’ social investment and market share; such robust study would provide a more generalizable finding that may enhance a broader understanding and inference about the effect of banks’ social investment on banks’ market share.

Keywords: Social Investment, Social Responsibility, Market Share, Corporate Governance, South African Banks

How to cite this paper: Mphelo, M.P., Ngwakwe, C.C. (2015). Banks’ social investment and market share. Corporate Ownership & Control, 13(1-2), 237-240.