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Download This ArticleMahmoud Eid
This paper uses the political economy of communication approach to understand and analyze the structure, policy, operations, control, and efficiency of a unique and major Canadian multi-media conglomerate example—CanWest Global Communications Corp.—in the dawn of the twenty first century. It relates the analysis to a range of criteria such as: the historical background and nature of the company, types of corporate conglomeration, tiers of firms, levels of ownership, structures of corporate control, policies of debt and lay-offs, range and diversity of cultural production, corporate sales’ revenues and market share, relationship to government and financial contributions to political parties, and composition of the board of directors and the interlocking relationships between its members and other institutions. The paper highlights debates over the effects of concentration of media ownership to introduce a fair understanding and suggest reasonable actions.
Keywords: Board of Directors, Interlocking Relationships, Corporate Conglomeration
How to cite this paper: Eid, M. (2007). CanWest global: a multi-media conglomerate amid perilous landscape. Corporate Ownership & Control, 5(1-2), 330-337. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv5i1c2p9