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The purpose of this paper is to provide a historical overview of competitive intelligence development in South Africa. This paper adopted a historiography approach. Information was gathered from published peer-reviewed journal articles on competitive intelligence. These sources of data hold the greatest value in the validity and reliability of this paper. Most historical researches are often associated with historiography as the primary research method. Historiography goes beyond data gathering to analyze and develop theoretical and holistic conclusions about historical events and periods. It includes a critical examination of sources, interpretation of data, and analysis that focuses on the narrative, interpretation, and use of valid and reliable evidence that supports the study conclusions. Although a historian studies history or may teach history, the historiographer writes, analyzes, and interprets history. Historical research was of particular relevance to this paper on competitive intelligence, a contemporary concept in developing countries, as it enhances an understanding of the present. Any contemporary issue is bound intrinsically with the social and historical milieu of the past. Findings show that competitive intelligence is in its infancy stages twenty years after its introduction in South Africa. This paper will influence policy formulation, locally and regionally.
Keywords: Competitive Intelligence, South Africa, Historical Antecedents
How to cite this paper: Maune, A. (2014). Competitive intelligence in South Africa: a historiography. Corporate Ownership & Control, 11(4-7), 635-641. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv11i4c7p6