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This paper provides a two steps investigation of the literature on banking corporate governance. We firstly perform a systematic literature review on the academics papers focused on risk management, compensation and ownership structure of banks. Then we run a meta-analysis investigation over more than 2,500 observations to clarify the understanding of the relationship with performance and risk in banks. The sub-group analysis related with bank performance shows a clear and significant finding: Board ownership, CEO ownership and Controlling shareholder enhance the performance of banks. Conversely, State ownership is negatively associated with bank performance. Results of the whole investigation and directions for scholars are also discussed.
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Banks, Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis
JEL Classification: G20, G21, G30, G32, G34, G38
Received: 01.10.2018
Accepted: 26.12.2018
Published online: 27.12.2018
How to cite this paper: Lagasio, V. (2018). Corporate governance in banks: Systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Corporate Ownership & Control, 16(1-1), 113-126. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv16i1c1art1