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Download This ArticleToshihiro Umezawa, Ujo Goto
The purpose of this paper is to examine how the structure of corporate ownership impacts the accuracy of management earning forecasts in Japan. An evaluation of the financial reporting reform from 2000 is also presented. As a result, corporate ownership structure variables, such as managerial ownership, financial institution ownership, foreign investment ownership and corporation ownership, are negatively associated with the accuracy of management earnings forecast. We find that corporate ownership structure makes the manager announce more accurate management earnings forecasts. In addition, the reform of financial reporting system in 2000 has an influence on the quality of financial disclosures.
Keywords: Ownership Structure, Earnings Management, Financial Reporting
How to cite this paper: Umezawa, T., & Goto, U. (2007). Corporate ownership structure and management earnings forecast. Corporate Ownership & Control, 4(3-2), 247-250. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv4i3c2p2