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A large conceptual economic literature presents assumptions that family owned and controlled firms perform better than others, essentially on the basis of agency theory, ownership structure, cultural specificities and particular management practices. Large empirical evidence has been supplied by various studies, even if there are still contradictory debates. This paper uses the paired samples methodology to compare operational, economic and financial profitabilities of Belgian family firms. Evidence is given that they perform better, and this significantly for economic profitability. Discussion is engaged about the contribution of family values and practices to their results.
Keywords: Agency Theory, Belgian Family Firms, Ownership Structure
How to cite this paper: Bughin, C., Colot, O., & Comblé, K. (2007). Do family firms perform better: A Belgian survey. Corporate Ownership & Control, 4(4-1), 173-182. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv4i4c1p2