Determinants of creative performance among millennial generation mediated by job satisfaction: A contribution to corporate strategy
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Statistic reward may be a condition when the number of individuals in profitable age surpasses the number of individuals in non-productive age. This productive age ranges between 15 and 64 years old. Indonesia is now experiencing a demographic bonus. Where the millennial generation prioritizes meaningful work and personal development (Suminar et al., 2020). Given so many young generations, Indonesia must understand their needs, desires and aspirations. This considers points to look at how person-environment fit and creative self-efficacy affect creative performance in millennial generation auditors. In this study, a cross-sectional approach with quantitative analysis is used to support the seven proposed theories. The survey was conducted using sample criteria by distributing structured questionnaires to the millennial auditor employees based on “age stratification”, namely the age group of 27–42 years old. There was a total of 201 auditors participating in this study. The information was analyzed utilizing the basic condition modeling (structural equation modeling — SEM) strategy on SPSS Amos 26 software. The comes about appears that the person-environment fit and inventive self-efficacy increment the imaginative execution. Other findings in this study also validate the critical impact of work fulfillment as the interceding variable for the impact of person-environment fit and inventive self-efficacy on the inventive execution of millennial reviewers.
Keywords: Creative Performance, Job Satisfaction, Creative Self-Efficacy, Person-Environment Fit, Millennials
Authors’ individual contribution: Conceptualization — S.B. and A.W.; Investigation — T.S. and S.F.; Resources — U.P. and R.L.; Writing — Original Draft — S.B. and A.W.; Writing — Review & Editing — R.L. and S.F.
Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
JEL Classification: M42, Q50, M500
Received: 31.07.2023
Accepted: 30.12.2024
Published online: 02.01.2025
How to cite this paper: Budiarti, S., Wibowo, A., Sariwulan, T., Purwohedi, U., Lestari, R., & Falah, S. (2025). Determinants of creative performance among millennial generation mediated by job satisfaction: A contribution to corporate strategy. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 6(1), 19–32.