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Download This ArticleEftychia Kapoutsou, Christos Tzovas, Constantinos Chalevas
The aim of this study is to examine the question of earnings management and, specifically, how this relates to taxation. In order to determine whether there is a correlation between earnings management and taxation, we investigate the discretionary accruals aspect of total accruals, i.e. the portion of profits which can be affected by management accounting choices, as calculated by the Jones (1991) model and the modified Jones model (Dechow et. al, 1995). Furthermore, we examine to what degree a correlation may exist between discretionary accruals and tax income (consisting of current and deferred tax). Our empirical findings demonstrate a statistically significant relationship between the levels of discretionary accruals and of total, current and deferred tax. This suggests that tax in general may be employed as a means to facilitate earnings management. The findings of this study suggest that IFRS provisions regarding taxation provide firms with a scope to get involved in earning management practices.
Keywords: Earnings Management, Income Tax, Greece
How to cite this paper: Kapoutsou, E., Tzovas, C., & Chalevas, C. (2015). Earnings management and income tax evidence from Greece. Corporate Ownership & Control, 12(2-5), 511-529. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv12i2c5p1