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This study assesses employees’ level of satisfaction with the nature of work and specific job characteristics (task variety, challenge, remuneration, recognition and skills variety) and their perceived challenges of job rotation. Biographical influences on these were also assessed. The study was undertaken in an operations environment of a textile company in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The population includes 77 full time shift employees in the organization and due to the small population size consensus sampling was used. Data was collected using a self-developed, pre-coded, self-administered questionnaire whose reliability was assessed using Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results reflect some doubt regarding the potential for job rotation to reduce work pressure and stress and, indicate the potential of job rotation to disrupt work flow in the short-term and reduce productivity as a result of a reduction in motivation of those employees that are not rotating. Recommendations presented aim to enhance the implementation of job rotation as a work design such that its potential benefits may be realized.
Keywords: Job Design, Job Rotation, Job Satisfaction, Challenges of Job Rotation, Task Variety, Skills Variety
How to cite this paper: Dhanraj, D., & Parumasur, S. B. (2014). Employee perceptions of job characteristics and challenges of job rotation. Corporate Ownership & Control, 12(1-8), 733-741. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv12i1c8p6