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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the state of art of female directors in terms of presence, role and remuneration for Italian corporate boards. The analysis wants to highlight the changes occurred after the introduction of the mandatory female quotas legislation in 2012 and to check how many firms are already complying with the law after 2 years. The picture of the state of art is drawn looking at 163 Italian listed firms for a period of 4 years, from 2011 to 2014. The analysis of the data reveals relevant differences in board composition before and after the law. A significant result concerning the presence of female directors stands in the difference between family and non-family firms: the first are those with higher number of female members in the board. Additionally, an interesting data refers to the amount of remuneration for women, which is significantly lower than the remuneration provided to male directors. Being the first work which charts the situation of board composition and board member remuneration in Italy before and after female quotas introduction, this paper wants to trace some key points for future analysis about the impact of female quotas on various firm’s aspects, such as firm performance, firm earning management and quality, governance characteristics.
Keywords: Female Quota, Board Composition, Women Directors, Italian Context
Date received: 29 December 2016
Date Accepted: 9 March 2017
How to cite this paper: Magnanelli, B. S., Raoli, E., & Tiscini, R. (2017). Female directors in Italy: The state of art after the mandatory gender quota. Corporate Ownership & Control, 14(3-1), 157-169. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv14i3c1art1