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This paper examined whether mandatory adoption of IFRS is associated with improvement in accounting quality of banks listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE). The study made use of secondary data; data were extracted from financial statements from 2010 – 2013. The data were analyzed using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) from SPSS. The findings of the study revealed that after the adoption of IFRS, the rate at which Nigerian banks engage in income smoothing increased, while earnings management towards small positive earnings reduced, thus reducing the quality of accounting amount disclosed in the financial statements. The findings of this study have effect on the efficiency of the stock market. Therefore, other bodies, such as SEC, BOFIA, among others should put in place measures that will limit the extent to which bank managers uses their discretion and alternatives in accounting standards to manage earnings.
Keywords: IFRS, Accounting Quality, Earnings Management, Income Smoothing, Small Positive Earnings
How to cite this paper: Uwuigbe, U., Emeni, F. K., Uwuigbe, O.R., & Ataiwrehe, C .M. (2016). IFRS adoption and accounting quality: Evidence from the Nigerian banking sector. Corporate Ownership & Control, 14(1-1), 287-294. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv14i1c1p12