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Download This ArticleMarita Naude
Feedback from business students using e-portfolios indicated it stimulated reflection, guided career management and improved technological skills. At first glance, these key benefits seem only applicable to individuals. However, at a closer look it is clear that these key benefits are also applicable to teams and organisations. Reflection is crucial in fast changing environments demanding action, multitasking through many technologies and competing in an increasingly interconnected world. Career management is a known factor to retain employees leading to sustainable organisational development and ongoing competitive advantage. Improved technological skills apply to all sectors in an organisation. Based on this reasoning, an e-portfolio is proposed as one tool beneficial to the business environment and this article provides practical guidelines for implementation.
Keywords: Organisations, Technological Sector, E-Portfolios
How to cite this paper: Naudé, M. (2010). Increasing sustainable organisational development by using e-portfolios. Corporate Ownership & Control, 8(1-1), 188-196. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv8i1c1p3