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The main aim of this paper is to research the features of investment banks in comparison with commercial banks, what has allowed distinguishing principal differences in their functioning. The research identifies the main economic factors, which give the opportunity to evaluate the financial intermediaries’ performance in the investment banking sphere. The author suggests the phased system of scientific and methodological approach to assess the effectiveness of quantitative determination of specific investment banking activities, which will include system of the most relevant indicator for this specific banking area. In complex this method assesses efficiency of assets, cost, risk, capital and liquidity management. The author defined the investment banking efficiency by using the comprehensive procedure which allows input indicators base, highlighted integrated assessment which is based on the calculation of synthetic investment banking key performance index (SIBKPI).
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Investment Banking, SIBKPI, CMIB, Bank Efficiency
How to cite this paper: Lapina, Y. (2014). Investment banks efficiency and corporate governance framework: finding unique peculiarities?. Corporate Ownership & Control, 11(2-7), 743-751. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv11i2c7p6