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This study assesses first line supervisors’ perceptions of the effectiveness of leadership in managing the change process. This is analyzed in terms of employee’s perceptions of the effectiveness of leadership communication, ability to motivate staff and to effectively manage change. The prevailing leadership styles are also assessed. The study was undertaken in a municipal fire and emergency services division in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and the population comprises of 60 first line supervisors from which a sample of 52 employees was drawn using the systematic sampling technique. Data was collected using an established questionnaire that was modified for the purposes of this study. The psychometric properties of the questionnaire (validity and reliability) were assessed using Factor Analysis and Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha respectively. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results indicate that first line supervisors believe that the leadership of the organization is able to effectively manage change though improvement is needed in terms of their ability to motivate employees and communicate effectively. The dominant leadership style is autocratic leadership followed by impoverished leadership styles which explains the lower concern for motivation and communication that surfaced in this organization. The study also found that only team/participative leadership style correlates significantly with leaders’ potential to motivate employees, communicate and manage change respectively. Recommendations are made to enhance leadership effectiveness.
Keywords: Leadership Style, Motivation, Communication, Managing Change
How to cite this paper:Ramcharan, R. S., & Parumasur S. B. (2014). Leadership effectiveness in managing change, motivating employees and communication and the influence of leadership styles. Corporate Ownership & Control, 12(1-9), 890-898. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv12i1c9p11