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This paper investigates the impact of firm type and ownership structure on agency costs in UK firms. Prior literature suggests that agency costs are significantly higher when an outsider manages the firm. In this paper, we examine the agency costs associated with different types of firms such as subsidiary, holding, foreign-owned and limited companies. We extend our analysis by examining the agency costs for firms with various levels of diffuse ownership. Consistent with the agency theory, we find that firms with single ownership incur lower agency cost. In addition, we find that the type of firm does contribute to the increase or decrease of agency cost.
Keywords: Ownership, Agency Cost, Shareholder, Operating Expense, Turnover
How to cite this paper: Raj, M., & Abdul-Malik, M. (2007). Ownership, structure and agency costs in UK firms. Corporate Ownership & Control, 4(3-2), 303-311. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv4i3c2p7