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Duality of the role of President of the Board of Directors (BoD) and CEO has been regarded as a good practice of corporate governance. These two roles are the ones with the most power an authority within the corporation. The paper depicts the formulating factors of duality of roles in Greece. Literature has linked duality with performance, organizational stability, ownership concentration and balance of power and control within the firm. The paper, using a Probit regression analysis, examines whether these relationships are valid in Greece. Statistical – econometric analysis has shown that financial performance is not related with concentration of power and control. The same conclusion is can be drawn for ownership concentration. There is a trend of change but this trend hasn’t the same dynamic or driving factors as the ones that are reported by Kirkbride and Letza (2002) and Muth and Donaldson (1998). The hypothesis posed by Heracleous (2001) and Baliga, 6oyer and Rao (1996) are more likely to be true in the case of Greece. Overall, duality in Greece is affected by the historical development of the firm, its organizational scheme and even more by the balance of power and control within the firm.
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Duality, CEO, Greece
How to cite this paper: Lazarides, T. (2009). Duality of roles and corporate governance in Greece. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 5(1), 15-21. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbv5i1art2