Social media, social capital, and knowledge sharing: Impact and implications for the higher education governance

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Amrita Sidhu ORCID logo, Akanchha Singh ORCID logo, Sayeeduzzafar Qazi ORCID logo, Pretty Bhalla ORCID logo

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Most of the studies in the field of social media propose that the usage of social media in an organization fosters the employees’ social capital and further enhances the process of knowledge sharing. In the higher education sector, knowledge sharing plays a great role in strengthening the education system and enhancing the teaching and research skills of the faculties. Meanwhile, social media is playing a very important role by affecting social capital which is further affecting knowledge sharing. The current study aims to understand the impact of social media usage on social capital, measured by using three variables, i.e., shared vision, trust, and network collaboration. It further measures the impact of social capital on knowledge sharing in higher education using SMART-PLS software. The data has been collected from 80 respondents from higher educational institutions in Northern India. The study reveals that social media is significantly affecting trust and network collaborations among academicians but there is no significant impact of social media on shared vision which further helps in exploring the various ways and platforms for constructive usage of social media in academia.

Keywords: Social Media, Social Capital, Knowledge Sharing, Higher Education

Authors’ individual contribution: Conceptualization — A.S. and A.S.; Methodology — A.S., A.S., and P.B.; Investigation — A.S., A.S., and P.B.; Data Curation — A.S. and A.S.; Writing — Original Draft — A.S., A.S., S.Q., and P.B.; Writing — Review & Editing — A.S., A.S., and P.B.; Supervision — S.Q. and P.B.

Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

JEL Classification: I20, I23, I25, I29

Received: 24.04.2023
Accepted: 07.11.2023
Published online: 09.11.2023

How to cite this paper: Sidhu, A., Singh, A., Qazi, S., & Bhalla, P. (2023). Social media, social capital, and knowledge sharing: Impact and implications for the higher education governance [Special issue]. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 4(4), 227–234.