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Download This ArticlePatricia Debeljuh
This paper is directed towards providing an Argentine perspective on the role of ethics in the business world. Although in the past several countries have investigated the institutionalization of ethics within corporate life, a concrete study into that field has never been properly undertaken in Argentina. However, a bird’s eye view of the ethics policies currently enforced in companies operating in Argentina creates an adequate context for understanding the ethics phenomenon as it has emerged in that country. To that effect, the major companies conducting business activities in Argentina were questioned on various subjects, ranging from company size to motivation behind providing an ethical background from which to do business, in order to allow a comprehensive analysis on company life in Argentina, as related to ethics. The survey conducted presented evidence that a wide sector of the Argentine business world believe ethics to be a factor of ever-growing importance, which would explain the relatively recent measures taken to instill ethical standards of conduct within corporations.
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Ethics, Argentina
How to cite this paper: Debeljuh, P. (2007). The role of ethics: a look into the Argentine business world. Corporate Ownership & Control, 5(1-1), 225-232. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv5i1c1p7