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Transformative learning via integrated projects with Sustainable Development Goals and innovations
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In recent years, the popularization of integrated learning and digital transformation in curriculum design has brought great discussion to our knowledge-based society. It is beneficial to promote the use of digitally integrated project learning in higher education. This paper aims to explore the key elements of disruptive learning with impacts. Through qualitative analysis of factors potentially related to transformative education with selected eight articles published from 2021 to 2022, the factors for transformative education have been identified: real-time assignment, new ways to sustain, and disruptive learning which are well supported by two case studies related to Web 3.0. It is believed that part of the future of education is to integrate Web 3.0 technology into the process of content creation and preservation with values for sustainable development for social responsibility. We need to think about the triangulation among assignment/activity/event design, use of technology for impacts and quality of story conveyed for disruptions in learning. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Web 3.0 technology are recommended to integrate into SDGs-related projects for creating value in learning for responsible businesses. However, this kind of disruptive mindset in curriculum design with digital transformation and innovations needs to have good practices to support the findings mentioned in this paper.
Keywords: Financial Institutions, United Nations Sustainability Development Goals, Securities and Exchange Commission, Sustainability Reporting
Authors’ individual contribution: The Author is responsible for all the contributions to the paper according to CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) standards.
Declaration of conflicting interests: The Author declares that there is no conflict of interest.
JEL Classification: I12, I13, M3
Received: 02.11.2022
Accepted: 26.06.2023
Published online: 30.06.2023
How to cite this paper: Yeung, S. M. C. (2023). Transformative learning via integrated projects with Sustainable Development Goals and innovations. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 7(2), 29–37. https://doi.org/10.22495/cgsrv7i2p3