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Download This ArticleTzong-Huei Lin
To enhance the corporate governance of listed firms, Taiwan prescribes that the initial public offerings (IPOs) after February 19, 2002, have to set up at least two independent directors and one independent supervisor who posses financial or accounting expertise. The corporate governance reform of Taiwan offers an opportunity to investigate the effect of corporate governance on IPOs market. Using data from Taiwan’s initial public offerings (IPOs), this study documents evidence that the magnitudes of under-pricings of IPOs after 2002 are significantly smaller than those of before. This shows that the corporate governance can reduce the investors’ uncertainty about the IPOs. The empirical evidence also indicates that the percentage of shares holdings owned by directors/supervisors is demonstrated to have negative relationship with the underpricing of the IPOs. This study contributes to the literature in the following ways. First, as Ritter and Welch (2002) suggest that future progress in the IPO underpricing literature will mainly come from agency conflict explanation, this study provides evidence about the effect of corporate governance on IPOs market. Second, as for the issue about the policy implication of the SFB 2002’ rules, this study provides the empirical evidence. Third, whether the government should prescribe the firms to set up independent directors? This study offers a direction for future discussion.
Keywords: Under-Pricing, Corporate Governance, Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)
How to cite this paper: Lin, T.-H. (2007). Underpricing and corporate governance-Evidence from Taiwan securities market. Corporate Ownership & Control, 4(2), 69-73. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv4i2p6