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Dayaneethie Veerasamy


This article examines how e-communication is used in the mobile telecommunications industry and the impact it has on relationship marketing. The use of new electronic media such as the Internet, e-mail, websites, cellular technology, blogs and social networking sites for communication purposes is called e-communication. Relationship marketing is about creating and maintaining long-lasting, profitable relationships with customers. E-communication makes it possible for the organisation to personalise their interactions with their customers which is one of the major benefits of relationship marketing. Allowing an organisation to identify their most important customers, aids in recognising the lifetime value of these individual customers. The aim of this pilot study was to examine the way in which e-communication is being utilised in the mobile telecommunications industry and evaluate how it can lead to creating and maintaining satisfied customers over the long term. This research was descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative in nature. Since this study is a precursor to a full study, only 20 respondents participated. The majority of the respondents were mobile phone users for 6-10 years. 85% of the respondents indicated that their service provider uses e-communication while 15% indicated that they do not use it. There were majority positive responses regarding trust, commitment and loyalty.

Keywords: E-Communication, Relationship Marketing, Mobile Telecommunications

How to cite this paper: Veerasamy, D. (2015). Using e-communication in the mobile telecommunications industry. Corporate Ownership & Control, 13(1-8), 936-944.