Users’ opinions on telecom mergers and acquisitions in a developing country
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Yarnaphat Shaengchart , Tanpat Kraiwanit
, Somchai Virunhaphol, Veraphong Chutipat
, Supin Chaisiripaibool
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Due to the global economic recession and rising inflation, many telecom companies have had operational challenges; thus, mergers with other companies are a common alternative (Thairath Online, 2022). Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) will have a substantial influence on consumers and companies who use telecommunications services, in addition to having an effect on finance and investment (Puapongsakorn, 2021). This study aims to investigate the elements that influence Internet users’ perceptions of M&As of Internet service providers in Thailand as well as the degree to which Internet users view such mergers. Using regression analysis, the data was analysed. According to the findings, Thai Internet users have the highest mean opinion level about the CAT-TOT M&A. For CAT-TOT mergers, marital status, and monthly Internet costs are significant factors, whilst gender is decisive for TRUE-DTAC and AIS-3BB mergers. The paper proposes that administrators and regulators should include merger criteria in policy recommendations to ensure that the merger has no detrimental impact on consumers.
Keywords: Internet Service Providers, Internet Users, Telecom Mergers and Acquisitions, Telecommunications Industry, Thailand
Authors’ individual contribution: Conceptualization — Y.S., T.K., S.V., V.C., and S.C.; Methodology — Y.S., T.K., S.V., V.C., and S.C.; Software — Y.S.; Formal Analysis — Y.S. and T.K.; Investigation — Y.S.; Resources — T.K., S.V., V.C., and S.C.; Writing — Original Draft — Y.S.; Writing — Review & Editing — T.K.; Visualization — T.K.; Supervision — T.K.
Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
JEL Classification: G34, L13, L86, L96
Received: 25.07.2022
Accepted: 24.01.2023
Published online: 26.01.2023
How to cite this paper: Shaengchart, Y., Kraiwanit, T., Virunhaphol, S., Chutipat, V., & Chaisiripaibool, S. (2023). Users’ opinions on telecom mergers and acquisitions in a developing country. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 4(1), 50–56. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbsrv4i1art5