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Download This ArticleAbstract
Within extremely fluid Greek economic environment phenomena of corruption and squandering of public money are growing significantly. Internal audit, through its integrated amalgam of modern and scientifically documented procedures seems to be the most effective mean for the protection of public property. Using survey data collected from 30 of the 34 Hellenic Police Services, the purpose of the present paper is to record the current situation regarding the extent of internal audit’s implementation in Hellenic Police Department. The results of the paper showed that the active role of the Supervisor of Financial Services perform successfully. However, a minority of functions did not comply with best-practice guidelines for achieving internal auditing’s theoretical role. The study provides avenues for further research to confirm the findings with other stakeholders.
Keywords: Internal audit, Corporate governance, Value-added, Supervisor of Financial Services, Hellenic Police
How to cite this paper: Drogalas G., Alampourtsidis S., & Koutoupis A. (2014). Value-added approach of internal audit in the Hellenic police. Corporate Ownership & Control, 11(4-7), 692-698. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv11i4c7p11