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COVID-19 organizational support and employee voice: Insights of pharmaceutical stakeholders in Jordan
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COVID-19 has posed unprecedented challenges for organizations and impacts on employees worldwide, particularly in the healthcare sector. This paper proposes a conceptual model to examine the mediating effects of job satisfaction and job burnout on the relationship between COVID-19 organizational support (COVID-OS) and employee voice among pharmaceutical stakeholders in Jordan. To empirically test the model, the data were collected through a questionnaire from 248 community pharmacists in Jordan. Descriptive statistical analysis, correlation between variables, and hypothesis testing were carried out. The findings supported the proposed model and showed that there is a direct relationship between COVID-OS and employee voice. The findings also revealed that this direct relationship can be mediated by the work-related well-being dimensions of job satisfaction and job burnout. Moreover, It is found that job satisfaction negatively affects job burnout of the employees. This paper makes significant contributions to the theoretical knowledge base and provides practical implications for the context of pharmaceutical employee management, with broader implications for professions related to healthcare services.
Keywords: Organizational Support, Employee Voice, Job Satisfaction, Job Burnout, COVID-19 Pandemic, Mediation Effect, Pharmacists, Jordan
Authors’ individual contribution: Conceptualization — M.T.; Methodology — O.M.B. and M.T.; Writing — Original Draft — M.T., O.M.B., and G.A.S.; Writing — Review & Editing — O.M.B., G.A.S., and I.K.M.; Supervision — M.T.
Declaration of conflicting interests: The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
JEL Classification: J28, D23, J54, L33
Received: 24.01.2021
Accepted: 02.06.2021
Published online: 04.06.2021
How to cite this paper: Ta’Amnha, M., Samawi, G. A., Bwaliez, O. M., & Magableh, I. K. (2021). COVID-19 organizational support and employee voice: Insights of pharmaceutical stakeholders in Jordan [Special issue]. Corporate Ownership & Control, 18(3), 367–378. https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv18i3siart11